Has anyone heard anything about Dr. Sword in Torrance, CA?


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I've just begun my research into hair transplant doctors in the southern california area. Dr. Sword seems to have a lot of experience in hair transplant's according to his website. has anyone ever heard of this guy? Any other recommendations in the so. cal area? Thanks!


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Keep on moving (away) from this doctor. I have been looking at various hair sites for years and have yet to see one person post a result. (let alone a positive result)

I was going to do a consult with him years ago but I never made the appointment. I still get calls every three months from their office trying to get me in the door. No thanks!

Get on a plane to Phoenix and consult with Dr. Alexander if you want to stay close to home.


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I had a procedure with Dr. Sword 4 years ago when I was 21. WORST DECISION EVER! I was sold by the sales rep (I had no real hair loss, just wanted to lower my hairline about 2 cm and was told this was easily achieved with 700 grafts) and was left with a horrible transplant and a fat scar. I have spent the last 4 years (3 procedures later) trying to repair a terrible mistake. Take the time to surf the forums and do your research. Don't settle for the closest doctor or be sold by some rep. Ask to see real results, get feedback, and most importantly take your time and be inquisitive. A little research can go a long way.