Has Anyone Here Had Success With Castor Oil Without Min Or finasteride?


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Hey all! I am new to this forum. I wish I found this amazing community earlier. Guys, please help me pick a proper routine.
I am 22 and my hairline is a Norwood Scale 2. I have been reading much about male pattern baldness and ways to combat it. All of them advise to use min or finasteride. I do not want to use min or finasteride as i would start shedding after I discontinue it. I read about Castor oil in this forum. The thread is pretty much old and I want to know if anybody still uses castor oil? Does castor oil without min or finasteride work?
The routine I am planning to follow:
1.5mm dermarolling every 7 days.
Castor oil 2ml intake daily
Topical application of castor oil
Fish oil
30mcg Biotin

What do you guys think? Is there anything else I could try? How long would it take to see any noticeable results?



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I tried topical castor oil before(with dermaroller and other natural stuff) I started minoxidil and finasteride and it didnt work at all :/ maybe oral will work? I dont know. I think the problem with castor oil is that it contains ricinoleic acid which is great because it is PGD2 inhibitor and PGE2 activator but castor oils gives you fats( or triglyceryde) - not free fatty acids but fatty acids (ricinoleic acid) which are bound to mostly to glycerol. When you take it orally it might work better because you have lipase which will give you free fatty acids and that for example can give you laxative effects(which is make by activating PGE2).But also dont be too afraid of min of finasteride if you really have hairloss for long period of time. Well I can tell you that what I regret in my hairloss fight the most is that I believe in "natural" treatment for too long :/


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Castor oil with dmso (30%\70%) work quite well for hairloss

Hope this help.