Has anyone seen this? "Hanswiemann Nightmare"

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I was refreshing the forum and a user under the name of "Mynightmare" came up as the featured member profile. There was something severely wrong with his scalp. I clicked the thumbnail and in shock discovered he had a huge amount of necrosis on the top of his head. It was disgusting to say the least but he had a link to his website and I wanted to know how this happened.

This is the link to his website: http://hanswiemann-nightmare.com/Home_Page.php
By the way DO NOT click page 3 unless you have a strong stomach. :puke:

Now I still don't really know what caused it. Obviously it was part of the hair transplant procedure, but how did it actually occur? What went wrong?

I can't imagine how horrible it has been for this guy, no amount of baldness can even compare to this.


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I wonder if he signed any paperwork absolving this quack of any legal responsibility? What is sad is this necrosis looks like it will leave behind scarring, which is worse than a bald head, obviously.

Never heard of this fly by night doctor, wonder if he has left town yet

Man in Space

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I dont suppose that one will be showing up on Dr Wiemanns website. That is truly odd, never seen anything like that before


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Would probably need a specialist to answer what caused that. But at a blind guess, maybe the local anesthetic used? (The only invasive ingredient other than the grafts themselves).

If you Google 'local anesthetic necrosis' there are a fair few results.


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Mini&Micro said:
Check out this dreadful infomercial...multi unit grafting? WTF?


Began balding at 50 and was completely bald by 52? That must be the first case ever. If you are genetically destined to go from NW1 to NW7 in 2 years then it would probably happen when you're 20, such aggressive hairloss genes do not wait until you're 50. If he said he started losing at 35 and lost it all by the time he was 50 it would be much more believable.

I also love how they have laser combs in the commercials. :jackit:

The problem is that the hair transplant surgeons don't seem to be regulated as much as regular doctors and surgeons. You don't see a general practitioner doing heart surgery, yet a dermatologist can "try his hand" at hair transplants. The industry needs more regulation and oversight, or things like this week keep happening.


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I wanted to post a reply because I am the person in those pictures.
Let me first say that I may have joined this site under another name.
I could not remember my profile and pswd. This post was brought to my attention by one of the few people that know of my nightmare.
I update the site every few weeks with new pictures.
PAI Medical Group is the practice that did the surgery. In St. Louis they operate under a hair restoration company called Hans Wiemann.
I want everyone to understand they are VERY unhappy with that website.
That being said...what I say and do not say (here and on the website) is walking a thin line right now for me. I think all of you can read "between" the lines on that I hope.
The doctor is still doing surgery in several PAI Medical locations.
If you review the last pictures (day 82 I think) the last scab is off.
Yes...it has destroyed my life.


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I agree with the above, Fraxel can smooth out the scarring that resulted. Also, I would advise seeking an attorney for a personal injury lawsuit, however, most of these doctors are pretty safe before any surgery by having legalese incorporated into anything you sign, protecting them from poor results. But you need to know your rights.

No matter the outcome, there is hair that can be harvested to obscure the scarring, but precious few doctors can harvest body hair as well as scalp hair, a couple of experts appear to be Dr's Umar, Woods and ******** (******** is in Belgium and Woods in Australia). All have done impressive repairs. I would advise against Dr. Cole as he does not have the track record of repairs, is expensive, and does not invest himself in getting a good result or establishing a plan for his patients to get one.

At this stage in the game, in addition to the baldness and the resulting scarring, a scalp only transplant may not provide enough coverage. The good news is that technology and a couple of very gifted surgeons around the world can fix almost anything. The bad news is it can get expensive, but you should be eligible for a discounted rate after what you've gone through. Don't give up hope, as I said, the right doctor can fix almost anything.

http://www.dermhairclinic.com/ (Umar)


http://www.bhrclinic.com/ (********)


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Thank you all for your support and sympathy/empathy.
If it were not for court rulings such as Bosley v. Kremer, I suspect their attorneys would have served me with C&D papers to close the site down and silence me.
Ironically I considered Dr. Konior, but chose to stay here local (fatal mistake).
Right now I just want to heal (physically and emotionally) and let whatever hair did survive grow out.
The pictures do not illustrate, but I had (what I consider) massive shock loss.
If anyone has any thoughts or comments, please feel free.
Thanks again.


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This Lichen Planus link solved a mystery for me! About twenty years ago I was working in heavy engineering and one day noticed a thick rash on my head which took several days to resolve by sheets of skin and hair coming off.
I was under a lot of stress at the time and the work was hot and dirty so there may have been several causes but it was very worrying.
I had quite a good head of hair at the time but the area it happened on grew very thin after and eventually I had to look for transplants and had the FUT as that was all available at the time that I coudl afford.
None of the FUT grafts fell out and I was and am quite happy with them.


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Thank you all for your support and sympathy/empathy.
If it were not for court rulings such as Bosley v. Kremer, I suspect their attorneys would have served me with C&D papers to close the site down and silence me.
Ironically I considered Dr. Konior, but chose to stay here local (fatal mistake).
Right now I just want to heal (physically and emotionally) and let whatever hair did survive grow out.
The pictures do not illustrate, but I had (what I consider) massive shock loss.
If anyone has any thoughts or comments, please feel free.
Thanks again.


Massive shock loss or infection?


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Massive shock loss or infection?

Wow, necro thread bump. His website is shocking, I've never seen that one. Bookmarked.

I should make a website like that.