Has anyone tried topical beta sis?


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I'm reading about many people taking it orally. Why not topically? Any products with it in it? Anyone tried their own concoctions? Michael Barry have any results or opinions about beta sis? I'm looking for a cheap alternative to topical spironolactone. Something I can cover my whole scalp with twice a day and not feel it in my wallet.


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Like, saw palmetto on your scalp?



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Re: Has anyone tried topical beta sitosterol?

I mean beta sitosterol dissolved in alcohol and pg and water and put on your head. Saw Palmetto has very little and stinks.

I'm amazed people stay off finasteride because of the sides, and then they take a lot of sp, which gives them gyno. Why not put stuff on their head instead?

My plan is to stay on internal finasteride, but add topical beta sitosterol as an extra kicker. I looked all over the web, and it seems to be very experimental at this point. They don't even know if it is an estrogen mimicker, or if it is an androgen receptor blocker. But they do know it is one of those.

Either way, it would be hitting my regimen from a different angle. But I can buy it cheap and pure. Well, not pure, but 40% puew, mixed with a lot of other sterols, with no filler or additives. I bet I could put it in all my shampoos without messing anything up. It would probably stay good in topicals too.

I want spironolactone powder, but I think beta sitosterol might be a good substitute. I searched the forums a ton and can't find anything comparing the two. Definitely experimental. I can get spironolactone pills affordably. I even calculated their cost per month at the desired concentration in a dream last night. But the problem is all the filler they come with, which might bind to other active ingredients. I'll have to google the solubility of calcium phosphate. Maybe it will just sit at the bottom.


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I'm using topical beta sitosterol which is in Hair Signals.
Scalp Med which I used long time ago also contains beta sitosterol.


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Yeah you do see it in treatments from time to time. I really don't know how effective it is, but people do claim success with it at least orally :)

I would imagine surely that something like Revivogen or Crinagen would do the job more potently though? What is the advantage of using beta-sitosterol?


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2 reasons:

1. I can get the beta sitosterol without other unwanted ingredients, such as smelly saw palmetoo or questionable zinc.

2. I can use a lot more over my whole scalp, instead of rationing an expensive 1 mL on just certain areas.

I want to put a little in my shampoo, and make a topical too.

If it works internally, my guess it is works topically too, unless it is like flutamine, which needs to be metabolized to work. But Micheal Barry said it worked on his hand, so I don't think it does need to be metabolised. Everyone who's tried it topically said they got no side effects either.

I'd buy Revivogen if they made a version with no saw palmetto and no zink or azelaic acid. I think the real power horses are the GLA, the procyanadins, and the beta sitosterol.