Has anyone used Haircubed????????


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I haven't yet, but it seems to do the same thing as prothik.
The problem is that it costs five times as much. Unless there is something about it that makes it much better than prothik or fullmore, I can't imagine it being worth seventy bucks for a can.


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As far as I can tell the main benefit of an aerosol spray over a fibre product is that they are cheaper- they have to be as I don't think they look anywhere near as good.

Haircubed isn't cheaper though, so, umm, why would you?

I actually refuse to buy from them on principle simply becuase I regularly see adverts along the lines of "Toppik? Try ORGANIC Haircubed instead! Approve by DOCTOR!"
Which irritates me as it isn't an advert, isn't true (you can't make an organic aerosol product), and isn't even right gramatically.
If they make that little effort on their adverts I dread to think what their quality control would be: "Well we got most of the paint in the can, that'll do!?"

Sorry, small rant.. I feel better now. :puke:


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I've used both fibers and prothik. Toppik and other brands might look a little better, but they aren't as easy to apply nor do they stay put as well. Prothik only takes me about thirty seconds to a minute to apply and it stays on much better. So, it's basically a trade off.


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You're right with the trade-off thetodd, but I definitely wouldn't recommend haircubed, do they have any reason to make it that expensive? (apart form hopefully using the money to invest in an english language course for someone)


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I don't know why haircubed costs so much, but it's hard for me to imagine it being that good. I go through a can of prothick every two weeks, so that would equal a hundred and forty dollars a month were I using haircubed. There's just no way.


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Christ that's a lot of money! Definitely not worth it, glad you get such good results with Prothik though.

Finfighter did you ever try new "speshul oranganinic Haircubed" ? :)