Has DIM helped with your gyno? And is it okay to take without zinc?


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I often hear both being used together for whatever reason. Has DIM, alone, helped anybody? Very early gyno here, I think.

I also have zinc but I don’t want to use that long term as it can have bad complications over time. Why do people recommend zinc with dim? Is it necessary? Or does it pretect against something DIM does to counteract finasteride/dutasteride?



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I have been taking DIM 300mg (from microingredients) for about 4 months. I think it somehow helped. My chest (especially the nipple area) was becoming puffier along with occasional ache and mild tingling sensations from my topical finasteride applications. Those very mild and subtle sensations quickly went away after a few days. They would come back after a few weeks but go away again. I added zinc 100mg soon after but decided to try other estrogen blocker. I think my DIM helped in a way but not really to my satisfaction. Maybe if I tried DIM from different company I could have experienced more benefits. I don't know.

So I ordered estrohalt from ebay. I received it today and took one tablet. As I am typing this post, I am feeling little dizzy. I will try half tablet tomorrow. I will see how much it helps. If not, then the gyno surgery is probably the only option left.