Has somebody children(male) after taking finasteride?


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I have read the instructions on finasteride and found the caution that it maybe reuslts in the abnormality of male children's sex organ, which make me worrying when my wife is about to conceive, in case of a boy....
Also, I have read some posts here and somebody said that their daughter(s) seems healthy after taking finasteride for a long time (such as 1+ year(s)), which comforts me..... thanks guys here for this information.

And, please forgive me to ask another question that maybe offend you: Do(es) children/she look healthy? Have they/she been checked by doctor?

Has anybody your male children? How is their body health status such as genitalia development?

sorry to ask so many questions...
but I do worry about the offspring.


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Cassin said:
Don't you think there would be warnings all over the place if this was a problem?

I think there MUST be warnings there.
But what I concern is how big the side effect of male children on sex is in reality.


Experienced Member
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Look , those studies carried out on Finasteride were bull. Far more suffer side effects than the 2% stated and the sides are more stronger. I haven't seen any controlled studies of the long term use of Finasteride and whether or not it has an effect on the sexual organs of young males.


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decro435 said:
I haven't seen any controlled studies of the long term use of Finasteride and whether or not it has an effect on the sexual organs of young males.

The physical evidence would be here...if there was some weird thing happening to babies they would link it back pretty fast.


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Pharma companies put things like that just to cover themselves from all angles. It even states that women should not even touch a broken propecia pill.

I looked recently on the woman's section and some of them are taking finasteride, no joke!