Hasson & Wong to offer topical Propecia.


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If DHT has already been converted in other parts of the body I don't see how a topical finasteride will do anything.

g.i joey

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going to my Doctor on saturday and im getting a prescription for this, fk that i need to do something about my hair if i cant take oral finasteride anymore.


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If DHT has already been converted in other parts of the body I don't see how a topical finasteride will do anything.

DHT is only a "problem" in the scalp. Limiting DHT suppression to the scalp (as much as possible) will theoretically eliminate the problems of sexual side effects. I'm not a fan of topicals because of the convenience issues, but for guys who have had Propecia side effect issues, topical Propecia could be a big help.


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DHT is only a "problem" in the scalp. Limiting DHT suppression to the scalp (as much as possible) will theoretically eliminate the problems of sexual side effects. I'm not a fan of topicals because of the convenience issues, but for guys who have had Propecia side effect issues, topical Propecia could be a big help.

But blood circulates throughout the body though. If a blood droplet is in the legs one minute, it can end up near the scalp later on.

Also, does anyone know if these silicate particles are dangerous?

Norwood One

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If anyone who is taking the topical wants to go to an endocrinologist and get blood serum DHT levels tested pre and post application (of a few weeks), you would be doing us all a tremendous service. As well as peace of mind for yourself.

Might be able to predict if Hasson and Wong are talking bullcrap or it actually works.


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If anyone who is taking the topical wants to go to an endocrinologist and get blood serum DHT levels tested pre and post application (of a few weeks), you would be doing us all a tremendous service. As well as peace of mind for yourself.

Might be able to predict if Hasson and Wong are talking bullcrap or it actually works.

This topical finasteride is SUCH a ridiculous idea. I would love it if there a way to stop hair loss but not surpress body DHT but 1) it will be absorbed into the body quite obviously. 2) Women shouldn't even touch a finasteride tablet (mainly in case they are pregnant). So essentially you would become a walking head which can't be touched the by the opposite sex. No sleeping in their bed either as it will come off on the pillow. By the way, the fact that it shouldn't be touched by a woman just proves how easily it is absorbed the skin.

Terrible idea. Move on.


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This topical finasteride is SUCH a ridiculous idea. I would love it if there a way to stop hair loss but not surpress body DHT but 1) it will be absorbed into the body quite obviously. 2) Women shouldn't even touch a finasteride tablet (mainly in case they are pregnant). So essentially you would become a walking head which can't be touched the by the opposite sex. No sleeping in their bed either as it will come off on the pillow. By the way, the fact that it shouldn't be touched by a woman just proves how easily it is absorbed the skin.

Terrible idea. Move on.

Pretty sure your skin is covered in finasteride already if you're on the pill. "Going systemic" is a two-way street.

The idea of topical finasteride is it limits the drug to just the skin on top of the head, rather than all of the skin of the entire body and all of the blood.


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The idea of topical finasteride is it limits the drug to just the skin on top of the head, rather than all of the skin of the entire body and all of the blood.

Yes, but soon or later, with enough applications you will wipe out DHT from all organs.
finasteride is all about dose. Only way it can work is if we precisely measure dose which saturate ONLY scalp and hair bulbs. To this day no scientist knows that and I assure you Hansson&Wong also dont.

g.i joey

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i cant say my topical finasteride compounded by my pharmacy is working yet. But it sure as hell isnt going systemic 2 weeks in.

Norwood One

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Keep us posted on sides g.i joey. Did you switch to the new Hasson/Wong formula because of oral sides?

g.i joey

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yup couldnt get my dick up with my girl, but it seems if i take it 2 times a week and the topical the other days i have nonexistant sides so im really enjoying it right now. I dont use H&W formula but i plan to make the switch if i feel any side from the topical i have compounded for me right now.


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This topical finasteride is SUCH a ridiculous idea. I would love it if there a way to stop hair loss but not surpress body DHT but 1) it will be absorbed into the body quite obviously. 2) Women shouldn't even touch a finasteride tablet (mainly in case they are pregnant). So essentially you would become a walking head which can't be touched the by the opposite sex. No sleeping in their bed either as it will come off on the pillow. By the way, the fact that it shouldn't be touched by a woman just proves how easily it is absorbed the skin.

Terrible idea. Move on.

Maybe not any different than Minoxidil unless the woman is pregnant, or gets pregnant, but in that situation I wouldn't be using oral Finasteride either. (I would not risk a pregnancy while taking Finasteride orally, either planned or from unprotected sex. Just my opinion). I don't have a problem with other people touching my hair, maybe some people do though. In that case, maybe apply it and shampoo it out later. People can probably figure something practical out, if they're motivated. That's what they do with Minoxidil.

Also, absorbing medicine orally and topically is very different. Topically, it's not going through your digestive system. It's not a concentrated dose of Finasteride circulating in your bloodstream, so that a diffuse amount can be absorbed by your scalp. That diffuse dosage is being applied topically. The fact that with topicals, a reduced amount of medication enters your bloodstream is the whole point. That's also why people don't take oral Minoxidil (it causes a raise in blood pressure, which is unhealthy) however that effect is rare when applied topically.

The topical route might not be for everybody, but it's not a terrible idea.


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Great points on both sides guys. I got to admit too, I'm just about to start a regiment and I'm leaning towards the topical finasteride (because I'm half scared of the oral given the horror stories to success story ratio). And I plan to combine that with Minoxidil. Then after 12 months I plan to get my hair transplant. Does that sound solid ?


New Member
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Hi I'm new here so any help appreciated

I've used topical finasteride for 8 months and don't believe it's working

im now thinking of cutting up 5mg tablets of finasteride

anyone had any actual results from topical and documented it ?


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This is awesome, but damn I live in the US and Looks like we're still a few months out, if ever. If anyone from Canada or Europe will ship me some I'd pay a few hundred bucks per container :)


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Has anyone tried "Morr F 5%" topical finasteride? I recently bought some and am hesitant to try. I've never taken finasteride orally but I already use minoxidil which has worked for the past 2 years but recently I've started shedding again. Either way, I'd be interested in reading some more success stories using topical finasteride.