Hate to say this but..... serious sexual side affects



I am suffering from serious erection problems now month 10.5 into finasteride. It has been intermittent over the last couple of months but now each time I attempt sex it kind of feels strange and I lose the erection. My g/f thinks it's here but that's not the case. Even if I stimulate myself it's not as hard.

I know there have been some posts recently about this and I don't want to scar monger but this is a real issue that is happening to me. Now I'm seriously considering quitting finasteride after my good progress. I'm pretty pissed off about it.

But I am after some advice first though. What should I do? I'm caught in a circle. I can only put it down to finasteride because I have never had this before. Is it because my libido is quite low because of the drug which is causing it. Is it because of too much sex? It's kind of worrying but at the same time I don't want to lose my hair. Things have kind of turned around after my shed and I am very happy with the way my hair looks as of today. Every day now a good hair day and I don't worry so much. Is there anything I can take to counter this effect?

Please help, as I don't know what to do tbh.


The Rock

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hey i have a quick q.....what exact form of propecia are u on?


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traxdata said:
It's actually Proscar but into 4...

Try 5th instead. Sometimes even small amount of finasteride can change the occurance of sides.


nexus81 said:
How long have u been experiencing these side effects from?

I would say the last couple of months. It happened once and then it was ok, but now it seems to have got worse over the last week or so..

too bald too furious

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I suggest you see the doctor who prescribed you proscar. I dont think you will need to quit proscar on whole. May be the Doctor might suggest you to cut doses in a week or probably 0.5mg of finasteride per day for some time until the sides go away. All the best!

not me!

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Before you quit, try picking up some L-Argenine and maybe some Yohimbe Bark. Give it 2 or 3 weeks to kick in. That should get the horse out of the stable - no lie.


thanks for the advice. I shall try a few things. And believe me it feels like a horse when it's on top form.


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Taper down to 0.5mg finasteride daily. That is all I take and it halts my loss the same way 1mg does. The sides are not there with this dosage, but they were at 1mg. Give it a shot. It is frightening to think about giving up finasteride if it is helping.

Regarding L-Arg...give it a shot but that stuff tears my stomach to shreds.


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ya, i'm also regaining sexual vigoresness from dropping to .5mgs of propecia. hell, i've even called back my ex and asked if she wants to get together on the weekend....guess what's on my mind.?


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I was in the same boat as you, but approaching the year mark things have become more stable. Its such an up and down thing and some days are better then others. I would recommend taking some of the stuff these guys mentioned, as for myself, I just let faith take its course, things have sort of worked themselves out. I hope this is the case with you, perhaps next week you will be back to good ol' "I want a threesome DAMN IT" Traxada!

Take care!


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L-Arg does the job, alright. If you use 2000-2500mg.

There is also another product from The Vitamin Shop called "python". It works well also.


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Yikes! I'm 14 months into finasteride and I had a 'malfunction' last night in the bedroom. First time ever. It was really embarassing, but my girl was really understanding. I have a lot of other stuff on my mind right now so we chalked it up to that. She doesn't know I'm on propecia...

Up until a couple weeks ago everything was rock solid (literally). I'm wondering if these problems are due to the finasteride. or just psychological. Getting sides 14 months in seems a little strange.

I'm going to taper down to 0.5mg and see what happens.

How long does it take for things to pick back up if you lower the dosage? 2-3 weeks?


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20something said:
Up until a couple weeks ago everything was rock solid (literally). I'm wondering if these problems are due to the finasteride. or just psychological. Getting sides 14 months in seems a little strange.

I'm going to taper down to 0.5mg and see what happens.

How long does it take for things to pick back up if you lower the dosage? 2-3 weeks?

I would say it is mental or just a natural libido swing. 14 months should be plenty of time to stabilize. Anyway, when I dropped to 0.5mg, my libido picked up within two weeks.


brasileirao said:

I was in the same boat as you, but approaching the year mark things have become more stable. Its such an up and down thing and some days are better then others. I would recommend taking some of the stuff these guys mentioned, as for myself, I just let faith take its course, things have sort of worked themselves out. I hope this is the case with you, perhaps next week you will be back to good ol' "I want a threesome DAMN IT" Traxada!

Take care!

Thanks Tony,

I have been off the finasteride for a few days now just to prove it's causing the problem. And boy I have been as hard as normal. I will reduce the dose as I feel I am making good progress now..

Thanks for the support


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wino said:
I would say it is mental or just a natural libido swing. 14 months should be plenty of time to stabilize. Anyway, when I dropped to 0.5mg, my libido picked up within two weeks.

I started out with propecia, then switched to proscar for 90 days (split into quarters). Then just switched back to propecia. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. Anyway, I'm switching to 0.5mg today. Will report back in 2-3 weeks.