Hatley Street Hair Clinic


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Just a quick query.

I am 22 years old and considering drasically a hair transplant within the next 6 months.

I am interested in FUE technique as I do not belive in having a big strip scar across the back of my head.

So far in the UK I have seen the Harley Street Clinic and so far not seen any bad reviews. Saw them on TV a while back in a channel 4 documentary.

Has anyone any experience of these guys?


Senior Member
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You need to go to a reputable clinic. Dont go to a clinic that does'nt have the surgeons name in the title. I'd bet my life savings these guys are cowboys.


New Member
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i agree with saf, you need to go to a professional clinic, the doctors may help a little but the clinic can bring your hair back as natural as it was. You can look fantastic again by visiting a clinic which obviously is reputable. You should make sure they are professional, purely because your head is a sensitive part of the body and you wish to have your hair back not damaged worse.
professional hair clinic


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Manutd4545 said:
Like SAF said, unless the doctor has their name above the door dont even bother looking at it let alone meeting them.

Hatley Street Hair Clinic give my young period back! :punk: :punk:


Senior Member
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Yeah right - prove it. :thumbdown2: