Have any of you have this type of recession?


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i was observing my friend's hair. I don't know if he's considered to be receding or not. he has quite a "long" forehead. he's a tall guy with a long face. i've seen his parents and i think he's got it from his mom cause she's got quite a long forehead. i asked him to look out for male pattern baldness as a close friend.

myfriend denied he has it not cause his dad has a full head of hair at 55, but also cause he has zero recession on his temple. he's right, his temples just like when i knew him as a kid. it just seems his forehead is longer cause maybe he gre an extra 1.5 feet since i knew him. but is it possible to have recession WITHOUT temple recession, OR do they come hand in hand? is his forhead longer cause he's a lanky 6'2" guy or is he receding upwards only?


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oh good one! now he'll become just as obsessed with hair as we are .. :(

The Gardener

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scud666 said:
i was observing my friend's hair.

Glad to have a new member in the hair obsession club. Welcome to our club! With that quote, it is now official.

scud666 said:
i asked him to look out for male pattern baldness as a close friend... myfriend denied he has it not cause his dad has a full head of hair at 55

You can tell him that what his dad's hair looks like means nothing in terms of him potentially having male pattern baldness. The 'you get your hairline from your dad' theory is bullshit, an old wives tale. BUT, if most of the males in his family are unnaffected by male pattern baldness, then chances are that he will be okay and just have a high forehead. It is amazing how facial shape can change the perceptions of a hairline. You can have two people with the same amount of recession, but because of differences in scalp shape one person might look balding, and the other might look normal.

Or, you can be an a**h** and tell your friend that his forehead is definitely way high and in bad shape and that he really needs to get onto Minoxidil and Finasteride immediately if he wants to prevent the coming disaster. lol.. no, that would be mean.


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that question is the most absurd one i've heard here in while, lol

stop thinking so much scud

do you wonder if there's life on your flowers in your front garden too?