have been off propecia for five days now


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have been off propecia for five days now, and i haven't had so hard dick for the last six or seven months(as long as i have been on propecia), so i think i'm gonna quit the regieme(doesn't work for me anyway) and just shave my head, and take a hairtransplant or something.don't like the f*****g sideeffects on propecia
what about the manboobs ?? do they dissapear when you have been off for a while ?????


5 days? I'm gonna take some time off of fina and see if my function bounces back also. I don't want to quit though since the fina has been workin for me for over a year. My hair looks damn good thanks to the stuff, but i need to find a dosage that will allow me to keep my hair and not f*** with my willy.


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If your having a hard time getting a hard on then instead of quicking propecia completely. Start using 0.5MG a day and see if it helps with your dick problem. I hear that when you cut it in half it goes away in less then a month and tell helps with your hair loss.


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Been on a propecia break for 2 weeks and guess what? harder erections...my girl is saying lose the sh*t.

Well see Im going back on it tonight for 3 months.

Never thought I had a problem :0



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yeah. i guess you have a smart girlfriend, it's more important to have a hard dick than hair on your head.
i think what propecia say on their site with only two procent has side effects, and that it works on 86 procent is bullshit, just take a look on this site, and other hairloss forum...many many people have theese problems


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Perhaps many of the men didnt have the "balls" to tell the doctors they were having that side effect. Or perhaps they didnt notice the difference until they quit - like it was very slowly affecting how hard it gets.

Cutting back on masturbation helps a LOT, if this is a problem. Like take a week off and then only 3-4 times a week for you multiple jerk off's per day fellas.


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I don't want to stop you guys from stopping, but I also tried a 5 day break from propecia, and lost a crap load of hair and basically had to start the whole process over -- beginning shed and all. It sucked.
Also -- the large majority of the people on this website that are on propecia and are saying it isn't working very well are on this website because its not working well.
(sorry if I'm sounding a little corporate)


Here's my question. Who here had sexual side effects on a 1-1.25mg a day dosage of finasteride and were able to beat those side effects by lowering their dosage? And by how much did you lower your dosage?


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Thinning said:
Cutting back on masturbation helps a LOT, if this is a problem. Like take a week off and then only 3-4 times a week for you multiple jerk off's per day fellas.

I'm a 'multiple jerk-off fella' a complete wanker you might say :wink: So I'll refrain from my nightly forearm workouts until my balls turn blue and my hairy head explodes.. thanks..


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mrlestat said:
I'm a 'multiple jerk-off fella' a complete wanker you might say :wink: So I'll refrain from my nightly forearm workouts until my balls turn blue and my hairy head explodes.. thanks..

Just saying dude, that if the next time you are with a girl ( which in your case may be a while if you are so into jerking ) and notice you cant perform quite as you imagined, try cutting back on the stick abuse before blaming the propecia.


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I've said it before,. I think everybody sufferes some sexual side effects from finasteride. Some claim that they dont, but I think they are in denial or are not paying close enough attention.

L-Arginine is a great suppliment to counter these effects.

Exercise is also good.

I actually have been EC stacking for fatloss in the past week, and have had some rampaging boners. I guess stimulants will do that to you. But an EC stack is not something you want to be doing long term. ;)


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flux said:
I've said it before,. I think everybody sufferes some sexual side effects from finasteride. Some claim that they dont, but I think they are in denial or are not paying close enough attention.

L-Arginine is a great suppliment to counter these effects.

Exercise is also good.

I actually have been EC stacking for fatloss in the past week, and have had some rampaging boners. I guess stimulants will do that to you. But an EC stack is not something you want to be doing long term. ;)

EC stacks had the complete opposite effect for me -- no wood at all. By the way, for those that don't know, E = ephedrine and C = caffeine.
