Have I got anything to lose by starting treatment?


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I am going to start Proxiphen. Receeded ro about a NW1 with a bit of diffuse shedding at the temples. Has anyone got worse since beginning treatment? Am I in denial that it wont get any worse if I leave it, as it has only gone very slightly over the last 7 years? Will I be better off the sooner I begin treating?



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Depends how much you have advanced in your loss. But starting straight away with Proxiphen ?, Big threes are normally first to come in any regime. Proxiphen is nice mix bag of every thing, but i m not sure about his results as yet. Do some research before paying that much for.


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I already use nizoral, do you think I should use some of Dr Lee's minoxidil, then? I am reluctant in the extreme to do finasteride, due to messing up hormones etc.


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Finasteride is the only approved treatment for maintaining the hair you already have. Minoxidil should be added to the regimen for regrowth-purposes.

With Minoxidil alone, the balding process will still continue.


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7 years since when? How old are you?

It doesnt sound like you have a very serious problem. I would reccomend not taking finasteride util you get to the point where you dont want to lose any more hair. But keep an eye on your hair and if it seems to change every few months or so. Sometimes loss can really sneak up on you if you're locked in the belief that your hair is fine.


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Hmm, it IS thinning further back though and I can see where it is eventually going to go to.

For the record I am 27 and a half and I first noticed loss January 1997, thus it isn 8 years. AND it has got slightly worse over the last year.


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WELL, I thought it was slight recession, but may be wrong.

Even so, I am just fortunate that you can't tell how much my hairline has receeded, although it has completely gone back 1cm in places, and is thinning diffusely over another 3/4 of an inch back.


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Guys, there's no spot on the Norwood scale that isn't some kind of recession/baldness, even if only minor. NW1 is not a "perfect" head of hair, but it's generally what most non-MPBers end up at, the "mature hairline".


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I have decided to start treatment. It won't make it any worse, will it,I suppose? And then at least I can stop worrying a bit.


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Hmmm...I guess that I'm with The Gardener on this one :p

However, if you feel that you need to start a particular treatment, then of course, by all means, start. But don't let your very minimal hairloss trigger you to where you are distressed about it and then this leads to more hairloss :freaked2:

I seriously wonder sometimes, how many of us loose more of our hair because we're getting so distracted, worry inordinately and distressed about our hairloss? I dunno, but it's just a thought :shock:


Fallout Boy

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flux said:
7 years since when? How old are you?

It doesnt sound like you have a very serious problem. I would reccomend not taking finasteride util you get to the point where you dont want to lose any more hair. But keep an eye on your hair and if it seems to change every few months or so. Sometimes loss can really sneak up on you if you're locked in the belief that your hair is fine.

I think that you should go to the doctor and get this evaluated and if it is the start of hairloss then i would hop on finasteride. right away! Its not like you get to a point where you want your hair to be , take finasteride and poof ,no more hairloss .. finasteride takes time to work , probably lose more hair by the time it works IF it does work for you. . And all it might do is slow your hairloss down and buy you time so i would say the sooner the better. Theres also the chance that it might not work at all.. Scary Thought but thats where i am right now with my self :(


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WELL, I went to a very well respected derm in September 2000. He examined me under some light contraption and did a pull test and said to start minoxidil 5% and if that didn't work to go back and see him for a prescription for finasteride.

Problem is, I don't know how bad a problem he saw it as, as he is one of these very laid back type of doctors, coming out with the "don't worry about it, you are a handsome man," kind of stuff. And, of course, he is bald. He also gave no opinion as to how far it may progress.


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donkdidonk2, I'd encourage you to get a second opinion about this. Obviously if the Doctor didn't seem too concerned about it, then is it really a problem? Also, did you share with him that this was a BIG concern for you? It appears that this is why he put you under that light contraption?



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Re: rogaine

thylax said:
I dont agree about the balding process with rogaine. I am 23 and I am taking regaine 5% 2x day for about 14 months and I hadnt lost a single hair until 3 months ago when I started avodart together. But I didnt see much regroth. So rogaine itself stops further baldness (at least for me). Indeed I am still waiting to see new hair in my temples with the combo rogaine-dutasteride 2mg that I use for the last 3 months

I think that it is quite possible that you actually had regrowth, but lost hair at the same time due to continued balding - maintaining the same haircount.

Fallout Boy

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Get a second opinion and then hop on the finasteride. Wagon! Cmon we're all doing it !
Peer pressure .. PEER PRESSURE! :D


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I don’t think he saw it as a problem because he saw nothing as a problem – just the way he is. He said that there wasn’t a problem and not to worry – but this was before he examined me, after which he DID cjange his mind and recommended minoxidil. I asked if I would be bald by 30 – he shrugged his shoulders. Waste of time!

Anyway, this morning I noticed that my left temple is a NW1.5 so Proxiphen it is. Kepp you posted!