Have you attributed Nizoral 1% to any CAUSE of itching ?


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I wonder this...

Because a few members have mentioned it.... that nizoral 1%, for them, CAUSED more itching than it relieved.

Do you have this situation? I'm still trying to figure out my source of itchy scalp, as it wasn't there a few months back before starting Propecia and nizoral and Folligen... (I've Isolated it to one of the 3).. and though people tell me Propecia can't cause any scalp conditions which would lead to itch, I've felt maybe nizoral or Folligen is the culprit.

Anyway, it's a topic.



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My head itches sometimes and I think Tynan has said before that he thinks perhaps nizoral is the culprit. I think it is for me as well, I use T-Sal which helps aleviate most of the itching that I get. I dont leave nizoral on as long as I used to and I make sure I use a conditioner which seems to have helped the problem quite a bit.

Bone Daddy

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It helped me. Since startting it, I have much less itching.. and it has helped my scalp health alot.

In my experience when your head itches esp. in the area that your male pattern baldness is starting/at then that's the body attacking the hair follicles. You will notice a shed right after.


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Nizoral can help with one cause of itch but create another. You need a good conditioner to counter it.


The Gardener

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For me, nizoral is the ultimate itch-fighter. When I neglect it, the scalp gets shitty and when I use it, it feels sublime.

Now, there have been others here who have had similar reactions to Nizoral. One of my old buds from this site, Cassin, had similar reactions to Nizoral. His scalp itched like a banshee, and when he finally traced down nizoral as being the culprit and stopped his nizoral usage, it got back in check and his scalp started feeling good again.

He replaced nizoral with T-Gel and/or T-Sal, which don't have the same inherent anti-male pattern baldness properties but they do have great anti-inflammatory properties which are key to any male pattern baldness-fighting strategy. You might want to make a switch?


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I use T/Sal on occassion too.

I need to isolate the problem, but I think nizoral isn't helping.