Have you guys ever done group buys on hair loss treatments?


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They do this all the time for car enthusiast message boards for getting great deals on expensive car parts. Perhaps if enough people wanted enough of something from Dr. Lee, etc.. we could get some really good deals?

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Dave, I was thinking along the exact same lines. Well (ahem!), I've never done any group buys, but I have had a group grope, and even a little group sex... but group buying is a new concept.

Perhaps we should form a hairloss users cartel? All of us send a massive combined Purchase Requisition for a year's supply for the lot of us to some of these manufacturers, asking for competitive bids. Hey, any chance to squeeze The Man out of a few bucks sounds like a fantastic idea to me.


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You'd think Dr. Lee could afford to spend a few bucks and get a decent Web site with the sales he's putting through it.