Have you had success with your temples?


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Propecia for 6 weeks, temples regrowing nicely, lots of tiny black hairs filling in my hairline slowly but surely, with many many more vellous hairs sprouting everyyyywhere. It's sweet.


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We all know they're supposedly the hardest to regrow.

So if you've had success at regrowing them please share your regimen and your opinion as to what did the trick.

Also share with us products that you think had no effect on your temples.


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Deaner said:
Propecia for 6 weeks, temples regrowing nicely, lots of tiny black hairs filling in my hairline slowly but surely, with many many more vellous hairs sprouting everyyyywhere. It's sweet.

Deaner, are you sure you're seeing good results? 6 weeks is a very short time to see results. If you are, well, good for you. I just don't want to get my hopes up.


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Hey Deaner:

What's up?

On July 5th you said "Still haven't undergone a shed over here. Although I do seem to be experiencing increased loss, nothing I'd consider a shed by any means, and cosmetically, I'm still doing okay."

Then on July 6th you say "I didnt' believe in the sheds until recently My crown looks like sh*t (looked unnoticable before), and I lose like, 5 or 6 hairs everytime I just scratch a section of my head. It's brutal!"


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Deaner I keep reading all these posts from you where u keep saying ur seeing all these small hairs growing on ur hairline and temples and youve only been on propecia for 6 weeks. Now im not trying to upset or discourage you, but you always have to be critical. 6 weeks is a VERY short time, and to be seeing regrowth already is pretty amazing. Are u sure the hairs were not there b4? Positive thinking goes a far way and im glad your in that frame of mind, but if you dont become more critical with your results you think your seeing, you may be very upset in the end, because you did not see the growth you thought you were seeing in the beggining stages. Thus, even if you have improved on propecia after a year, your expectations may not be met and would be upset, when u should be happy. Im happy for you and hope you are right though and are experiencing regrowth. Just dont wanna see you dissapointed with the results in the end if it doesnt pan out like you think now.



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under20 said:
Deaner I keep reading all these posts from you where u keep saying ur seeing all these small hairs growing on ur hairline and temples and youve only been on propecia for 6 weeks. Now im not trying to upset or discourage you, but you always have to be critical. 6 weeks is a VERY short time, and to be seeing regrowth already is pretty amazing. Are u sure the hairs were not there b4? Positive thinking goes a far way and im glad your in that frame of mind, but if you dont become more critical with your results you think your seeing, you may be very upset in the end, because you did not see the growth you thought you were seeing in the beggining stages. Thus, even if you have improved on propecia after a year, your expectations may not be met and would be upset, when u should be happy. Im happy for you and hope you are right though and are experiencing regrowth. Just dont wanna see you dissapointed with the results in the end if it doesnt pan out like you think now.

This is why taking pictures before you start a regimen is so important.


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I've nearly finished my first, a 30 footer dedicated to the great hair God, so the ritual sacrifices will be starting soon.


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Why the hell is my post first now? This wasn't my thread, lol!

Edit: This was helpmefindmyhair's thread

Edit again: Yea, I'm not going through what many people on this board would call a shed, by losing handfulls of hair in the shower, that sorta thing, but I'm losing more hair than I used to, and it WASN'T cosmetic till I started losing fairly large amounts from my crown, and now my crown is terrible looking :( I'm just saying that although my shed isn't as bad as many here, I believe in them now, as I can see this being an even bigger problem for some people. I'm lucky to not be undergoing a gigantic mindf*cking shed.

The shedder

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Whoever said 6 weeks and had temple regrowth is either jumping the gun or is neglecting the fact that even hair with male pattern baldness grows back in cycles, only getting progressively thinner. Maybe 6 months, but I hate to rain on your parade.


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Well rain on THIS parade. I know for sure that vellous hair becoming pigmented and thicker at the base all along your hairline sure as hell isn't my imagination, and that sure as hell sounds like the opposite of miniaturization to me. You can't just ignore that sorta thing, or be making that sh*t up. These also aren't the kinda hairs that would grow back naturally as I take it, considering they're getting coarser, not finer.

But hey, who the hell am I to say I'm having results a little earlier than the rest? They're not phenomenal, but they're results nonetheless, and encouraging ones too. The hairs just keep on getting longer, thicker, and blacker, more and more each day it seems are turning from vellous to true terminal hairs in the making.


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Deaner I still think ur a paranoid homo.... u post are funny....ur history speaks for its self.

Anyway I have made some good gains on the temples and im coming up on month 10 of my regime and still seeing new growth in that area.

Im chillin and takin it all in



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My history was retarded, yea, I made some paranoid posts, but now I'm learning what this sh*t is all about and laying back and relaxing. You'll notice I post less frequently as well. But you can't just ignore vellous hairs turning terminal on your hairline and temples, you just can't miss that sorta thing.