have you noticed many of the before/after pics in HD suck ?


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Let’s go over one by one (tell me if I give the correct reason why they suck):

Pic #7 - shows bad color match and bad density match.

http://www.hairdirect.com/photos/before ... chris.aspx
Pic #7 – what the hell is all this “white soup†at his hairline ???

Pic #2 – the hairline seems too symmetrical, like a doll’s, plus hair color doesn’t match.

http://www.hairdirect.com/photos/before ... thony.aspx
Pic #2 – sorry, looks like a wig.

Pic #2,4 – OMG, what is this ???

http://www.hairdirect.com/photos/before ... lamar.aspx
Pic #2 – colors don’t match.

I simply don’t understand why in a before/after section of a respectable company like HD, fiascos like these need to appear. What is the conclusion from this, that not anyone can have an undetectable system (even though he is treated by the best hands) ?, how can a newbie like me spot all these troubles, and the inspecting eyes of the respectable company are totaly oblivious ?

On the other hand, there are some very few which look simply superb, I couldn’t tell it’s a wig in a million years:
http://www.hairdirect.com/photos/before ... frank.aspx
Amazing !!!, color match is perfect, his scalp is seen so beautifully through the piece. A true masterpiece !!!

I like it, very good color match, hairline looks believable. The guy looks really good.

Very very good, very nice color match, couldn’t tell it’s a wig.

Now, from all these pics (the good and the bad), it seems to me that in order to get a flawless result, it seems that:
1. Color match should be perfect, or at least very very close to perfect. It is such an easy give away otherwise... I think the only way to ensure this would be to dye both the wig and your hair using the same color...

2. If the hair at the sides of the head goes up very high to the top, it is important to keep the density of the wig, more or less similar to the density of the real hair near it (and not insanely thinner, as many of the presenters show).

3. Gel must be used. The slight wet look just seem to make things "click" better together.

4. The more “natural flaws†the wig is intentionally built to show, the higher the authenticity level. For example, the thinness of Frank’s hair and how you can see his scalp, the somewhat diffused hairline of Joe (that doesn’t look like a hairline of a doll like so many other presenters there), and the receding hairline of Jim. All these make the presentation much much more believable.


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Their hair pieces are lighter than their natural hair. I think it is deliborate because of the belief that balding hair turns more blond as it gets smaller. They are trying to mimic this, but over did it. They would look much better if they matched the sides exactly.

Another problem is the sides are very thick. This is common for some very bald men. But if they made the top that thick, it would look odd with that much recession, though I've seen natural hair like that. I think if they just made the hair darker, the lighter density would not be an issue.

I think the main problem with hair pieces is that if you use lace (which looks good), you can feel the glue through the holes, and the hair gets stuck to it. But if you use thin skin, you really have to match the color of the skin exactly, and it needs to have grooves in it like natural skin, though the color is the main issue. It is better to error on the side of being lighter since skin under hair is typically less burned and less tanned.

I bought a piece from coolpiece, and the color was a shade or two too dark. You would not notice it right away holding the piece in your had, but up against my hair it was very obvious. You can get a color match, but you need to buy more than one piece, and take a picture of it next to your hair and send it and a sample back in. To get a perfect piece, you probably will burn through $1000. You can look OK with the first one if you bleach it or something, but once you spend the $100 on 2-4 pieces to get it right, you need to have that company dublicate 5 or more copies, because they WILL change suppliers later.

I agree about the gel. It is very hard to get the hair piece to match your own hair. I could not get the hairline on the coolpiece piece to stand up at all. No hairline exposure possible, unless I'm just an idiot after 5 hours of getting it wet and trying. The middle stood up find though. Unless you are lucky and get a piece that matches your direction, you have to use gel to get a perfect match. I'd try and find a few places than can get a direction match though. They can do it with thin skin. I don't know if they have that ability with lace or not.

Just save up your money, and when you have $2000 to play with, shave your head or bald spot, make a template, and wear a hat till your first piece arrives. Then order more and specify changes. Try 2-4 companies to see the quality differences, and tell each what you want. Only order in bulk from the one that gets it right. Then you should be set for a year or two. Future years won't cost as much since you will know what to get. Just beware of factory mistakes and supplier changes.

I'm spending my money on laser hair removal right now, but I'll get another toupe later when I'm financially set.


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I think the main problem with hair pieces is that if you use lace (which looks good), you can feel the glue through the holes, and the hair gets stuck to it. But if you use thin skin, you really have to match the color of the skin exactly, and it needs to have grooves in it like natural skin, though the color is the main issue. It is better to error on the side of being lighter since skin under hair is typically less burned and less tanned.

If you use lace, you don't need to match skin color at all ?, for some reason I was under the impression that even with lace there is some color matching that needs to be done...

I bought a piece from coolpiece, and the color was a shade or two too dark. You would not notice it right away holding the piece in your had, but up against my hair it was very obvious. You can get a color match, but you need to buy more than one piece, and take a picture of it next to your hair and send it and a sample back in.

Why not dye your hair and the piece using the same color ?, won't this guarantee a color match ?

I agree about the gel. It is very hard to get the hair piece to match your own hair. I could not get the hairline on the coolpiece piece to stand up at all. No hairline exposure possible, unless I'm just an idiot after 5 hours of getting it wet and trying. The middle stood up find though. Unless you are lucky and get a piece that matches your direction, you have to use gel to get a perfect match. I'd try and find a few places than can get a direction match though. They can do it with thin skin. I don't know if they have that ability with lace or not.

I never understood this "direction matching" thing. You mean that some of the hair in the piece is pointed to one direction, while the other is pointed to a different direction ?

Just save up your money, and when you have $2000 to play with, shave your head or bald spot, make a template, and wear a hat till your first piece arrives.

I can not do this, I can not come with a hat to my working place, knowing the top of my head is shaved. the hat might fall, I can't take such risk, I won't sleep at night. I need to take the template before I shave my head, there must be a way...

I'm spending my money on laser hair removal right now, but I'll get another toupe later when I'm financially set.

I can't really wait any longer, eventually people will see I'm just covering a bald head, and then I really have hard time changing to a piece. This has to happen now for me.


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Lace does need to match, but the color difference is more forgiving since you can see the scalp between the holes.

The hairs on the piece go the same direction. They might not go the direction of your hair, even if you order it that way. You may have to ask them to try again. If they could get it right, you would not need any gel or JRob's wax. I ordered front ventilation. Coolpiece sent me flat back. I posted pictures a while ago, which I took down. Everyone who say the pics agreed it was flatback.

As for dyeing hair, it is a pain. Shampoo slowly removes dye. So does the sun, Your roots will show. And you will have to re-dye it again. The original dye is a fabric dye, and lasts a long long time. Much better if you match it right from the factory.

You can make a template before shaving. I bet you can get a good one since you have so little hair in front. But the more hair you have under the template, the less accurate it will be. Should be good enough to hold you over until you can shave and get perfect one and wear the first until it arrives.


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Lace does need to match, but the color difference is more forgiving since you can see the scalp between the holes.

How do you choose which lace match your skin color ?, can you ask the company to send you many samples, so you could find the perfect match ?

Also, what happen for example in summer, when the skin can become tanned under the sun, there might suddenly be a difference in shade between the forehead and the skin shown at the hairline, no ?

The hairs on the piece go the same direction. They might not go the direction of your hair, even if you order it that way.

Wait a minute, if I shave everything but the sides and back, what importance is there to the direction of my hair ?, the direction at the sides and back is downward… Why should I make an effort to keep whatever good areas of hair I have left at the top of my head (which in my case, really aren’t too much), if it can only hurt the direction matching ?

You may have to ask them to try again. If they could get it right, you would not need any gel or JRob's wax. I ordered front ventilation. Coolpiece sent me flat back. I posted pictures a while ago, which I took down. Everyone who say the pics agreed it was flatback.

Regarding gel, I’ve seen it also makes the hair appear more real, I’m not saying to use large amounts, but the wet look is very convincing…

Btw, what is “front ventilation†? (still don’t know all the basic terms).

As for dyeing hair, it is a pain. Shampoo slowly removes dye. So does the sun, Your roots will show. And you will have to re-dye it again. The original dye is a fabric dye, and lasts a long long time. Much better if you match it right from the factory.
Assuming the original dye indeed last a long long time, and assuming you get a perfect or near perfect color match, then you are right and it is much preferable to coloring the hair yourself. The thing is, I’ve read that the dye of the hairpiece gradually fades, moreover, I really find it hard to believe that the factory could match my hair color, it’s real hair, the color is not monotonous… Also, I have some white hairs, I know they can match it in the piece, but I'm not sure I like my white hairs, what else does it give me except looking older ?

You can make a template before shaving. I bet you can get a good one since you have so little hair in front. But the more hair you have under the template, the less accurate it will be. Should be good enough to hold you over until you can shave and get perfect one and wear the first until it arrives.

The transition is going to be hard and costly (if I want it to be a smooth transition). As funny as it sounds, it might have been better to buy a plane ticket and actually go to the company who makes the piece (if they allow such thing), this way they could make it perfect in the first round… no ?


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In relation to colour, could you dye your hair black? Then order a black hair system, I think having black hair for the rest of your life would be a small sacrifice to pay.


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Ventilation is when they tie the hair to the lace. Front means the hairs curl towards the front. Flatback is when they curl backwards. Don't worry about it so much if you have stright hair, though the direction it comes off the laces still matters some.

I thought about black hair. It would be easy. But your roots would show. People would know you dye, but not were. Might hide the base if your natural hair had roots showing. I don't know if hair dye speeds up male pattern baldness in susseptible people, or if that is a myth. Some people pluck their eyebrows and they always grow back, while others find they don't grow back where they pluck, and I think it has to do with original strength.

Yes, you can go there and have them do it there. But airfair is $1000. Not sure if that is round trip or not. Some places might send you samples, but most will not. They are afraid you won't be impressed with the quality. But the swiss is very impressive, so I don't know why they would worry. You just need to match the color as best you can.

Tanning is an issue. But it is less noticeable with the swiss. They also have clear bases, but I'd be impressed if it looks better than saran wrap. I guess I should ask for a sample. Never know what kind of technology is out there. I don't know how they could hide the fold back of the hair if the base is clear. Maybe they figured it out though.


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Well my hair is dark brown so even if the roots show it will not be noticable and I will continuously dye my sides and back black. In terms of it speeding up male pattern baldness, well I am not even 20 yet, I like to think my horseshoe hair will be strong for another 10 years with constant dye, if not then fu** it I will just get a full cap.

Peter, where are you going to order your wig from, the company you mentioned above? If so what do you think fo their disposable hair system page?


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Well my hair is dark brown so even if the roots show it will not be noticable and I will continuously dye my sides and back black.

If your hair is dark brown (mine too), why do you want to dye it black ?, so people will think you dye because you want to change color ?

In terms of it speeding up male pattern baldness, well I am not even 20 yet, I like to think my horseshoe hair will be strong for another 10 years with constant dye, if not then fu** it I will just get a full cap.

If there is anything I’ve learned is that we don’t have a clue what makes the hair stick, or what makes the hair fall. Millions if people around the globe are dying hair for dozens of years, and if this was a major contributor to hair loss it would have been obvious by now.

The problem with full cap is that it makes you NW1 (eliminates temples), so anyone who saw you with temples will know you’re wearing. It’s better than going bald (imo), but it will be much harder to fool people, especially those who aren’t strangers.

Peter, where are you going to order your wig from, the company you mentioned above? If so what do you think fo their disposable hair system page?
Actually there are a lot of good places to order from. Personally I’m giving hair4all a try.


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In answer to the first question, the reason why I would dye my hair black is because the wig colour will definantly match, you can't get different shades of black but you can get different shades of brown.
I agree it is better to get a topper and I will do, I'm just saying if one day my NW7 hair eventually thinned, which I highly doubt it will.
I think when I go down this path I will get a template from a wig maker in London, and buy a topper of a top wig maker in London, I think you need the personal approach when first entering this route rather than online, once I have had all the advice face to face and got my perfect wig, I will just buy replicas and then I can send them off too cheaper online sites.


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Peter_mac said:
The problem with full cap is that it makes you NW1 (eliminates temples), so anyone who saw you with temples will know you’re wearing. It’s better than going bald (imo), but it will be much harder to fool people, especially those who aren’t strangers.

Not true. I moved my temples 1/2 inch forwards and made them much thicker. No one noticed. I wore it to class for a week, and went to clubs. I looked in reflections and used peripheral vision, and saw that no one was giving me looks. Everyone acted completely normal. No one looked at my hair or commented. Just one guy seemed very doubtful, with his suspecisious looking, not his words, when I told him my age. He had guessed 22, and was incredulous when I said 28. He was not looking at my hair though, just my face. Some pretty women who knew me stopped me on the side walk to make sure I said hi. They never did that before. I got out of there quick though since my front was not glued down well. Not noticeable at 6 feet away though. People are much more likely to guess wig if you don't get temple points. Now if you are bald bald, and get a full cap, people will notice. But NW3 or 2 to 1, you can get buy on. Well, NW3 my get noticed by half. But if it looks good, they still won't know how you did it, and will write it off after a while. They might talk to other people to see if they noticed, but as long as it looks good and you act normal and play dumb, even those will write it off. Now if they got pictures, you are in trouble. Then you got to do the change over a vacation, and say you got hair transplant.


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CCS said:
Peter_mac said:
The problem with full cap is that it makes you NW1 (eliminates temples), so anyone who saw you with temples will know you’re wearing. It’s better than going bald (imo), but it will be much harder to fool people, especially those who aren’t strangers.

Not true. I moved my temples 1/2 inch forwards and made them much thicker. No one noticed. I wore it to class for a week, and went to clubs. I looked in reflections and used peripheral vision, and saw that no one was giving me looks. Everyone acted completely normal. No one looked at my hair or commented. Just one guy seemed very doubtful, with his suspecisious looking, not his words, when I told him my age. He had guessed 22, and was incredulous when I said 28. He was not looking at my hair though, just my face. Some pretty women who knew me stopped me on the side walk to make sure I said hi. They never did that before. I got out of there quick though since my front was not glued down well. Not noticeable at 6 feet away though. People are much more likely to guess wig if you don't get temple points. Now if you are bald bald, and get a full cap, people will notice. But NW3 or 2 to 1, you can get buy on. Well, NW3 my get noticed by half. But if it looks good, they still won't know how you did it, and will write it off after a while. They might talk to other people to see if they noticed, but as long as it looks good and you act normal and play dumb, even those will write it off. Now if they got pictures, you are in trouble. Then you got to do the change over a vacation, and say you got hair transplant.

I thought you purchased a topper not a full cap?


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I got a full front 1/3, with temple flaps. Totally custome piece. I designed the temple flaps. And let me tell you looking at the lace from the under side you would think the flaps would never pass. But glued on it passes good. Well, would have if they did not ruin the vetilation by changing directions every other inch. But since I had temple flaps, I can honestly comment on the front appearance of a full cap.


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And I cut that hair short. 1 inch on top and 1/2 inch on the sides. I graduated it too. I cut my own hair. Fooled them. Felt good putting my hands through it too, though the edges were not down.

Getting it on perfect is not easy either. if you are off by a little bit, you get bubbles in the middle, which totally give it away to touch. You really got to get system down, and it is hard the way the glue grips. Some guys use alcohol so they can slide it for a bit before the glue sets.