Have your friends/family insulted you or said something?


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So in the process of losing our hair, have any of your friends or family made any nasty or unwelcomed comments/jokes to you about it?

I haven't had any nasty things said to me directly, but i had a few instances where i did feel quite hurt.

One time was when i was at a friends place, and we were drinking, an hour later we were all drunk and mucking around, then my friend says to me "Hey you've got a really bad receding hair line, i can see it.." and he kept on pointing it out, since i was drunk, i didn't care so i said something random to him..and then his house mate says "mines getting pretty bad too, look!" and he flips up his hair..i thought it was funny heh

But stuff like this doesn't help my self esteem, and while i'm generally a confident, social type of guy..sometimes i feel like just staying home and not going out :/


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The whole family was gathered. All the relatives. Around 50 people or more. In the living room we were about to have a toast and suddenly my grandmother says in front of everybody "oh dear, xxx you are starting to get really thin on top". I was 19 back then (two years ago) and that was the scenario when I started to develope severe social phobia. Have lost all my friends since then.

Ive had a dozen similar comments during the last years. People simply cant stop commenting. I just wanna be respected and not get those comments. Social phobia is not a strange consequence from this, or is it? Easy for normal people who dont experience this (and instead get compliments for how they look) to say it is strange.

I dont know about you but sometimes I just feel like doin a massacre. Its very often I feel left over by the society.


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superfrankie said:
The whole family was gathered. All the relatives. Around 50 people or more. In the living room we were about to have a toast and suddenly my grandmother says in front of everybody "oh dear, xxx you are starting to get really thin on top". I was 19 back then (two years ago) and that was the scenario when I started to develope severe social phobia. Have lost all my friends since then.
Grandparents/the elderly are usually like that, they don't think before they speak. But it sucks that it happened in such a situation with the rest of your family :/

Ive had a dozen similar comments during the last years. People simply cant stop commenting. I just wanna be respected and not get those comments. Social phobia is not a strange consequence from this, or is it? Easy for normal people who dont experience this (and instead get compliments for how they look) to say it is strange.
I don't understand it myself, why do some see the need to make a bloody comment?? I know how you feel, but unfortunately our society is extremely superficial, and many these days have a low self esteem. My hair defines how i look, and i know that if i don't care about styling my hair, in any social situation, i'm usually ignored by randoms, yet if i style it in such way that i can make myself attractive, well it's another story. I just roll my eyes at how pathetic some people can be.

I dont know about you but sometimes I just feel like doin a massacre. Its very often I feel left over by the society.
Mm well maybe not that drastic, but i sometimes feel very angry and hateful of everyone. That's usually when i can't style my hair how i want to, no matter what i do and i just get moody.


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You know those kids who get bullied and do a massacre. Sometimes I feel the same need. I would never do it in reality but atleast that is my feeling. Cause I feel rejected by everyone. This whole superficial society. My targets would be the most handsome men out there. And probbly some girls due to the reason they can blink and get 100 guys after them. Life is unfair. But it cant be solved with a shotgun. lol. Yeah, I admit it. Im mentally sick.

uncomfortable man

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superfrankie said:
You know those kids who get bullied and do a massacre. Sometimes I feel the same need. I would never do it in reality but atleast that is my feeling. Cause I feel rejected by everyone. This whole superficial society. My targets would be the most handsome men out there. And probbly some girls due to the reason they can blink and get 100 guys after them. Life is unfair. But it cant be solved with a shotgun. lol. Yeah, I admit it. Im mentally sick.
Yeah, I know the feeling. It's easy to feel spiteful when a good portion of society (people you pass on the street, etc.) shun you for something beyond your control. The unfairness of it all, the injustice is maddening. I've had several violent fantasies that play out like a movie scene in my mind. Beating people to a bloody pulp, slamming their heads in the car door, slitting throats. I just want to force them to realize that what they are doing is wrong and hurtful and it is only natural to want to hurt them back somehow. So I guess I am sick too....product of our fucked up environment in tandem with an unfortunate genetic trait.


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UC is right though, there is a definite difference in the way society treats you.

When I had longer "stylish" hair I was treated kindly by society, (apart from the odd asshat saying I looked like a girl). I could go into corner shops, etc, and get smiled at by the cashiers etc - the point being I never felt out of place or unwanted.
I could walk past families in the street etc and they wouldn't bat an eyelid.

Now with a NW4 shaved close, when I go into a corner shop the cashier has that "concerned" look, as if I'm going to rob the place. When I walk past a family the parent will bring the small child closer to themselves.

The difference is especially marked in elderly people - who aren't afraid to say what's on their mind.
With hair = "What a nice young boy"
Without = "Yobs these days, society is going downhill"

One very minor plus is that other guys no longer take offence. Some of the "macho" guys would take the piss if you had hair longer than an inch long. Again calling you "pretty boy" and all that rubbish. With NW4 you are treated more as "one of the lads"

-Edit and some of the "pretty people" are pleasant enough, but most of the ones I met are still a little conceited because they know they look good. They act like they deserve admiration every day on a platter.


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cuebald said:
Now with a NW4 shaved close, when I go into a corner shop the cashier has that "concerned" look, as if I'm going to rob the place. When I walk past a family the parent will bring the small child closer to themselves.

LMAO. This is exactly what happens to me from time to time. Especially that thing with the cashier. Im familiar with the "concerned" look youre talking about. :punk:

But anyway, I rather put fear into peoples eyes and look like a more masculine kind of guy than look like a pretty little mama`s boy when Im 21.


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It sucks that some people have prejudiced views/feelings against those who simply 'look different', ie are bald or are nearly there. That's the way our society is unfortunately...i'd say i'm an average guy in physical appearance, yet if i want to i can make myself look handsome, but what annoys me is how i'm ignored or looked at blankly in a social situation when i'm the average looking guy, compared to the attention i'd get from randoms when i'm the handsomely groomed guy.


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Cassin said:
superfrankie said:
I dont know about you but sometimes I just feel like doin a massacre. Its very often I feel left over by the society.

I know you didn't mean this but try to not make such comments my friend. : )

No problems, I fully understand.


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Draco88 said:
It sucks that some people have prejudiced views/feelings against those who simply 'look different', ie are bald or are nearly there. That's the way our society is unfortunately...i'd say i'm an average guy in physical appearance, yet if i want to i can make myself look handsome, but what annoys me is how i'm ignored or looked at blankly in a social situation when i'm the average looking guy, compared to the attention i'd get from randoms when i'm the handsomely groomed guy.

Bottom line is that it does suck - but we arent the only type of people that have it hard. Comparativly speaking, we dont.

Bottom line is that going bald can make people look weird and slightly repulsive. I dont think people actively go around thinking 'I hate bald people', or really think about it. People hard wierd or ugly/strange looking people. And having a chrome dome can fall into that catagorey.

Bottom line is that I feel I have inferior genes. Not just in hairloss. But overall. Im so god damn lazy, and I feel my future is going no where. Hairloss is simply the icing on the cake for me. When thinning comes as well, f***, I dont know what ill do.


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^^Well y/our future is one thing you/we can control. Hair loss no, but being successful, finding a job etc, that's within reach if you work towards it. Anyway at what 'stage' are you in your hair loss, since you seem rather down about it? Sure, i have my moments, but i'm usually fine within the day or next, latest. But that's coming from someone who's around a NW2.


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Draco88 said:
^^Well y/our future is one thing you/we can control. Hair loss no, but being successful, finding a job etc, that's within reach if you work towards it. Anyway at what 'stage' are you in your hair loss, since you seem rather down about it? Sure, i have my moments, but i'm usually fine within the day or next, latest. But that's coming from someone who's around a NW2.

Id say if you look at a normal nw2 illustration - but go quite further back on the sides. It has already damaged my looks considerably. My forehead looks massive. I am in a depressed state - and hair loss is a part of that. Im not going to say hair loss is the cause of all my problems, my life is a bit of a mess as a whole - my thinking is scatty, and I cant really get on with things.


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Sitting outside in a beer garden with my girlfriend one night and she was messing with my hair and pushed back my fringe a bit, showing the receding hairline and went "Hi baldy". I guess she thought it was cute, I felt destroyed for the rest of the night.

When we started going out at first she was talking about what she looks for in guys, I hope to god she was joking but all she said was "nice hair, thats pretty much it, just has to have nice hair". That hit like a truck.

Draco88 said:
It sucks that some people have prejudiced views/feelings against those who simply 'look different', ie are bald or are nearly there. That's the way our society is unfortunately...i'd say i'm an average guy in physical appearance, yet if i want to i can make myself look handsome, but what annoys me is how i'm ignored or looked at blankly in a social situation when i'm the average looking guy, compared to the attention i'd get from randoms when i'm the handsomely groomed guy.

I think alot of it has to do with how you carry yourself. When you think you are looking handsome you will come across alot more confident. Bald or not, a confident happy person is attractive. Not to everyone, but to those who arent completely shallow and hung up on a physical image, which thankfully is alot of people. Plus those are the kind of people you should be associating with anyway.

I mean say you working in a shop and on a day where hairloss isnt on your mind and a guy aged 23 - 26 walks in and has his head buzzed down, hairline is noticeable receeding. You dont immediately think "BALD BALD BALD". Least I dont.

Then when you feel less attractive, or average, you carry yourself as being mr average not worth a look in from anyone, your confidence is gone and you dont carry yourself as well, thus not attracting interest.

Hope4hairRedux said:
Bottom line is that it does suck - but we arent the only type of people that have it hard. Comparativly speaking, we dont.

Bottom line is that going bald can make people look weird and slightly repulsive. I dont think people actively go around thinking 'I hate bald people', or really think about it. People hard wierd or ugly/strange looking people. And having a chrome dome can fall into that catagorey.

Bottom line is that I feel I have inferior genes. Not just in hairloss. But overall. Im so god damn lazy, and I feel my future is going no where. Hairloss is simply the icing on the cake for me. When thinning comes as well, f*ck, I dont know what ill do.

Hair alone doesnt make you good looking or ugly. Alot of it is self image. You are used to seeing yourself with hair and you have become accustomed to it. Thats you, the guy with the hair, not the bald guy. Im not a good looking guy, least I dont think I am. But having hair wont make me better looking, losing it wont make me worse looking. Im just scared of losing it because its a part of me, something Ive always had and something I dont see why I should have to give up.

I do feel I have inferior genes as well, got the shitty hairloss and the weird family nose. Still Im glad its me who got it and not my sister. Although I say all this hairloss is going to crush me, just hope Im strong enough to keep on going.


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I think alot of it has to do with how you carry yourself. When you think you are looking handsome you will come across alot more confident. Bald or not, a confident happy person is attractive. Not to everyone, but to those who arent completely shallow and hung up on a physical image, which thankfully is alot of people. Plus those are the kind of people you should be associating with anyway.
You're right about that. I've had instances where i have a burst of confidence, however those 'bursts' are always when i feel happy/satisfied about my hair.

But i just remembered something that has me rather annoyed. When ever i go out, i usually don't like styling my hair, but these past 2 years i usually always do, and there are some days where i'd just wear a hat out and about. I have 2 friends who are the types with a low self esteem and spiteful nature (yet me being me, i accepted them for who they were). I remember, they always would ask me in a mocking way "why do you always wear that hat of yours?" i didn't think much of it back then, but last year it clicked to me why they would always ask with their sly smiles, and remembering it all now, i'm going to distance myself from them even more. Sad though, being friends for 8 years.


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people are f*****g weird like that to try and taunt others insecurities, it's a fucked up society when even your so-called friends do that. I think all males are obsessed with hairloss or the thought of it so seeing someone in a worse state than them is somewhat reassuring in fucked up way


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My (ex) family did nothing but insult me and verbally abuse me avery f*****g day that the good Lord sent us...


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Since the time I used a friends face to open the fire exit of a local pub after making a flippant remark about my hairline; people dont tend to comment on my hairloss.


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Britannia said:
Since the time I used a friends face to open the fire exit of a local pub after making a flippant remark about my hairline; people dont tend to comment on my hairloss.

You sound pretty bnp.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
You sound pretty bnp.

Hell yeah. Nick Griffin has awesome hair.