Having A Child And Potentially Weak Genetics.


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Scenario: If you fell in love someone and decided you wanted kids with them.

The issue: She has a weak jaw and is short. She is actually pretty but you see these things and you know you don't have the strongest jaw and are only 5'10 yourself, would you have kids with them knowing that if you had a boy they may be looks challenged - especially because of the jaw (though it doesn't matter if a girl).

What do you do?

Its pretty transparent this is about me - and this is just hypothetical just now - but it does play on my mind from time to time.


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Well in my case I'm more worried about my own genetics. I couldn't stand the idea of watching a kid struggling with the same problems I've had. Maybe in my 40s I'll want to take that risk just for the hell of it. But sure as hell not now.

Not having a baby over a weak jaw is retarded though. The kid can always get a genioplasty or mandibular angle implants.



Height? I don't know though. I'm short and I've always hated it. Shame there isn't an easy solution for that. Leg lengthening is a b**ch. Growth hormones apparently don't work that well in puberty either (if you can even get someone to prescribe them).

You could always do sex selection if it really bothered you and just have a bunch of pretty little effeminate girls for future Chads to violate.


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Well in my case I'm more worried about my own genetics. I couldn't stand the idea of watching a kid struggling with the same problems I've had. Maybe in my 40s I'll want to take that risk just for the hell of it. But sure as hell not now.

Not having a baby over a weak jaw is retarded though. The kid can always get a genioplasty or mandibular angle implants.


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Height? I don't know though. I'm short and I've always hated it. Shame there isn't an easy solution for that. Leg lengthening is a b**ch. Growth hormones apparently don't work that well in puberty either (if you can even get someone to prescribe them).

You could always do sex selection if it really bothered you and just have a bunch of pretty little effeminate girls for future Chads to violate.
My case is a weird: I'm 5'10 but everyone in my family is over 6'1 (men).

So I think my genes are actually leaning towards height and I didn't develop as much as I should (dietary?).

It is definitely the jaw that would be the issue.

Not even worried about hair loss because in 20 years there will be a cure - I have zero doubts.


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You dont want to be with her because you both have sh*t jaws?

Define sh*t jaw?

sh*t jaw to me is anything recessed. it's not a matter of size, rather the development.

So I am guessing you both have recessed mandibles with shitty chin projection?

Cue Bald

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lol honestly i've never paid attention to the jaw unless it pokes out like a stereotypical witch (or if the person has no jaw, see image)

the picture of the blonde woman above, honestly both jaws are fine to me. i never understood these people who say the jaw has to be exactly some % long, the eyes have to be exactly some % apart, it's all crazy.

this is what i call a bad jaw, the image on the left. but then, to the right you can see how surgery can fix it perfectly, unlike how a hair transplant isn't a perfect NW1 restoration.

besides a kid isn't 100% guaranteed to get a weak jaw even if both parents have a weak jaw. one of you may be a strong jaw carrier from a grandparent that gets expressed in your child.



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You dont want to be with her because you both have sh*t jaws?

Define sh*t jaw?

sh*t jaw to me is anything recessed. it's not a matter of size, rather the development.

So I am guessing you both have recessed mandibles with shitty chin projection?
Mine is normal to soft - like de caprios


Hers is a little softer.

I should really get with a block jawed slav girl to solidify my heirs chad status.


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Before I would naively say just marry who you love e.t.c. But now I realise much more that it would be selfish to bring children into the world who don't get the best start. We've seen some of the pain people experience on here. Not saying only absolutely perfect should reproduce (or not many of us could) but there should be some criteria in our mind.

Forget the jaw aspect but overall find someone attractive, intelligent, good hair genes that you have a connection with. Red flags would be genetic diseases or being very unattractive imo.

You don't have aggressive hair loss so you don't really need to worry about balding genes too much. It's easy to cure when caught early in someone like you.
Although finasteride and minoxidl didn't work for me so it didn't end up being easy to cure :(

I'm not too fussed about hair genetics - in 25 years this issue will be cured.


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Haha we broke up.

She started to get possessive and nag me and I warned her not to do it a few times.

Ended up breaking up with her because of way too many red flags.


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My case is a weird: I'm 5'10 but everyone in my family is over 6'1 (men).

So I think my genes are actually leaning towards height and I didn't develop as much as I should (dietary?).

It is definitely the jaw that would be the issue.

Not even worried about hair loss because in 20 years there will be a cure - I have zero doubts.

I'm the same, 4 brothers all taller than me, I'm 5'9 they are 6'2 plus. My cousins are even taller.

I ate terribly when I was younger, this is almost certainly the cause of my shortness, in my opinion.

Does anyone know if it's possible that this might cause my kids to be shorter than my brothers kids? I'm guessing it has no effect so long as they have a good diet, but I'm not sure.

My gf is 5'1 though, but her brother is the same height as me so it's not a huge worry for me.


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I'm the same, 4 brothers all taller than me, I'm 5'9 they are 6'2 plus. My cousins are even taller.

I ate terribly when I was younger, this is almost certainly the cause of my shortness, in my opinion.

Does anyone know if it's possible that this might cause my kids to be shorter than my brothers kids? I'm guessing it has no effect so long as they have a good diet, but I'm not sure.

My gf is 5'1 though, but her brother is the same height as me so it's not a huge worry for me.
I think your genes would be for them to be tall.

However, having a wife who is short will probably balance them out to be average.


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listen my guy

it is not clear of degree to which genetics vs environment plays role of maximum impact in child development. New generation asians are rapidly approaching western heights and exceeding in many cases where parents were well below average height compared to beef and burger boys

some irish-polish working class hick family produces male or female model child in extravagant genetic recombination. Child goes onto live life parent can only fantasy of.

these just example for you to consider. If woman is attractive fertile and seemingly of health mental and physic, and want your nut, just give it to her my guy! otherwise you end up like BDD weirdos on here who will be alone and no offspring at age 50


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Yeah this is the last thing I'd be worrying about. Just make if you have a son they get on finasteride as soon as their hair starts to go. If you find them reasonably attractive and intelligent (I doubt you'd have children with someone who wasn't) it'll be fine. I'm sure your future children would rather be born than remain in your nutsack in spite of an imperfect jaw etc.