Having a scalp biopsy tomorrow...any suggestions?

Owl Jolson

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Hello...I apologize for not posting an introduction first but I have to leave in one hour and I am unable to write (or do much of anything) quickly. I will post a story when I can (which should be soon).
My situation is this: I'm getting a scalp biopsy done tomorrow to determine the strength and abundance of the Androgen receptors in my scalp as well as the DHT content. Is there anything else I can learn from this? (For instance, would a trichogram be advisable?) Of course I don't expect to find the magic solution to the problem, but I would like to be as knowledgeable about my scalp as possible.
I'm 21 and having been using proscar consistently since January, Dr Lee's minoxidil and Xandrox 15 since mid February and I just received 5% spironolactone in the mail. I am 21, a diffuse thinner and don't register on the Norwood scale just yet.
Any advice would be appreciated.


Established Member
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why do you need a scalp biospsy
theres is no way to mesure the amount of dht in you head this soulds like a con please be careful ask anyone here on this site i dont think anyone would have had a biospsy for hairloss, I think someone just tring to rip you off

just keep using the finasteride and minoxidil at least for a year before you do any thing crazy


Senior Member
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Even if you could read that kind of thing, I can't see how it would be helpful. I used to get my hormones checked monthly and it was a complete waste of time and effort.