having stopped taking propecia/proscar....


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Since i frequent these boards though rarely post i am now compelled for some reason to share my little story, have a read if you wish..

I have now stopped taking propecia because of the side effects and simply the anguish of being dependant on a pill every goddamn day, over and over (brushing teeth analogy or whatever, didn't work for me) and so on.

I was only on it for about 6 months, but in that time i noticed unstoppable acne and the loss of libido, and last but not least..puffy nipples.

I know the rule is to stick with it, but then it just went back to the whole idea of being slave to the pill for god knows how long, and that fact that it was altering my natural state.

It has been about 3 months since stopping and everything is back to 'normal'. Acne has gone (i.e. just the usual amount i normally get remains), i wake up with erections again and get random erections again (yay!) and my nipples ain't puffy any more or appearing conical shaped for which i am very relieved.

As far as my hair goes, well it's not that bad to begin with, but i'm sure over time it will progress to whatever state it's supposed to end up like. I'm not happy about this, but weighing the negative effects against the positive, well, i made my decision, for now.

P.S. if i panic and change my mind, i will let you know hehe..


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I thought the same things you wrote , 1 year later. I paniced and started from the beginning again.


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i agree, the sides are why i stopped taking it too. there are a few other "natural" dht blockers on the market now but not enough people have tried them yet to know if they will work or if the sides will be there. im kinda scared to try them, ive been off finasteride for two weeks now and just starting to feel a little more normal now, really dont want to go through that again! :roll: but i think ill try them anyway. the question remains "IS IT THE LACK OF DHT CAUSING SIDES OR THE CHEMICAL IN finasteride" no one know for sure yet.


cruiser said:
i agree, the sides are why i stopped taking it too. there are a few other "natural" dht blockers on the market now but not enough people have tried them yet to know if they will work or if the sides will be there. im kinda scared to try them, ive been off finasteride for two weeks now and just starting to feel a little more normal now, really dont want to go through that again! :roll: but i think ill try them anyway. the question remains "IS IT THE LACK OF DHT CAUSING SIDES OR THE CHEMICAL IN finasteride" no one know for sure yet.

Its the Lack of DHT.