having trouble sleeping on dutasteride.


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hi to everyone.

just wondering if anyone else is having any trouble with dutasteride on the sleeping matter.

ive started taking dutasteride on 3 different occasions but whenever i try to sleep it takes me ages to nod off and then im awake within 3/4hours. i can only take 4/5days of this max then i have to stop the treatment everytime.

would i still benefit from taking 1 tablet every 2days or????


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Man, I have the same side effect. It is your body's reaction to a 25% increase in testosterone.



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i think it may all be in your head... try forget about hair loss for a bit, just take the medication and forget about it....


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Sleeping on pill packets can be bad for your back! plus all that noise from the packets will keep you up! :shock:


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I find nodding off a lot harder and wake up at mad times ever since my depression kicked in owing to male pattern baldness...


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im glad im not the only one then.

it just takes ages to fall asleep and when i do i wake up well early then im kackard 4 work.

i thought about taking it 4 2weeks and seeing if the sleeping gets any better but i just can't go without proper sleep 4 more then 2 days.


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hmmmm why are you taking dutasteride? have you tried finasteride? and if so for how long? if you would like to stay on dutasteride you need to give it more than a couple of weeks for the sides to sort themselves out, also how long have you been taking dutasteride for on and off in total?


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Herbal sleeping tablets like Valerian are also worth a try! :wink:

Plus try having a good work out!


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Yeah im working out in evening, makes me feel dead at bed time. Like oni said, have you tried finasteride? But i seriously think its all in your head. I sleep in 2 seconds, and ive been on dutasteride for 10 months now...


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Goingat20 said:
I sleep in 2 seconds, and ive been on dutasteride for 10 months now...

I think you should start a thread entitled "HELP!!!! I CANT KEEP MY EYES OPEN WHILE ON dutasteride!!!"


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hahahaha i reckon, but i will write posts to myself, dutasteride seems to turn people into owls... :shock:


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My Regimen
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Dutasteride lowers a steroid called allopregnanolone that is also responsible for sleep, finasteride does this too but dutasteride to a much greater extent. My sleep is bad on dutasteride for 5 months now and I'm getting eye bag and dark circles this sux.


Established Member
My Regimen
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Dutasteride lowers a steroid called allopregnanolone that is also responsible for sleep, finasteride does this too but dutasteride to a much greater extent. My sleep is bad on dutasteride for 5 months now and I'm getting eye bag and dark circles this sux.
This thread is from 2005.
I was 10 years old when it was created.