Health writer– looking for personal stories for mag article


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Hi there.
I am writing a short health article for a national men’s magazine (Rodale’s “Best Lifeâ€) about new stem cell treatments for male baldness. These procedures are still in the development and testing stages.

For this article I am looking for a male in the United States, aged 30 to 45, who has tried several different hair regeneration techniques (Propecia, Minoxidil, laser combs, hair transplants, herbs, vitamins, etc), and is still looking for an ideal solution to thinning hair.

To begin the article, I want to briefly tell the story of a guy who has tried to prevent hair loss. This is a common journalistic intro – something like this: “Jon Coleman, 39, a stock trader in Los Angles, has tried everything to keep his hair from thinning….†Most of the article will describe the new stem cell treatment, but the intro will briefly mention this real person’s story.

This is not a commercial venture or anything like that – just a writer looking for a good, realistic lede for this article. I am an editor and writer, and you can view my clips at my website,

If you think your story is representative of what many balding men are going through, and would like to see your name and story (briefly) in a national magazine, please email me, Jason Stevenson, at

Much thanks,
Jason Stevenson

P.S. Oh yeah, I’ve been balding since about age 20 myself. Haven’t been to a barber in about 10 years….No wonder they asked me to write this article.


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I do clip my own hair with Wahl clippers about once a week. I think cutting it short makes it look better, otherwise I get those clown-like tufts on the side.

Armando Jose

Senior Member
My Regimen
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Yeah, my friend , in my oppnion your look is good, but in it is better hair more long.

Have a nice day


Bald Dave

Established Member
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I agree with Amando. You hair looks very neat and I'll prob do the same soon as I am already a Norwood 4 now at the age of 26!