heard a "bald guy" comment on the weekend


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i was standing in line for Stella's in St catharines ON and i overheard some mumbles from some girls and in the middle of her sentence i heard "like that bald guy over there...serioulsy if you're bald u shouldn't be here" They weren't talking about me though, there was this other guy with probably a norwood 4 (bald spot on the back) i know he heard her cause he kind of stopped talking and looked back a little. i felt so bad for the guy, i'm lucky cause i'm still around norwood 1...but i know i'm probably heading there...it was dreadful just hearing that comment.


They do have a point, it's not fair if bald people socialize around normal people, I hate it when I am enjoying myself and someone turns up in a wheelchair, that always pisses me off.


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hahaha, I woulda just gone over and been like "Now listen up Hitler!"


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that's when i break out my friend mr. backhand.


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Whats Stella's? a nightclub?

Sounds like they were your average superficial empty air heads.


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You are always posting about "how women dislike men that are balding/bald." It really isnt all that bad bro, I went to visit a cousin of mine who is a solid Norwood 3 and he has a hot girl. The guy is 5'6 and has a unibrow, but is the nicest guy in the world! He gives her respect and they are always doing fun stuff.

The way I see it, no one is perfect and some people make up for their own insecurities by picking on others. If anything I feel bad for those girls too, how unhappy they must be.



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just finished at brock uni last year but i still go back to party with those who are doing a victory lap.
Those girls were pretty lame too...i know that there are a lot of girls who can see beyond the hairloss, just like a lot of guys can see past a chubby.
But i don't know many girls who would get excited about a norwood 3 and a unibrow....ooo that's so the hot look right now. (jks)


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jimmystanley said:
But i don't know many girls who would get excited about a norwood 3 and a unibrow....ooo that's so the hot look right now. (jks)

To each his own...what may be unattractive to you someone else may see past through. But thats life.....

Good luck man...


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jimmystanley said:
to each his own? are unibrows making a comeback?

I hope so!


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jimmystanley said:
to each his own? are unibrows making a comeback?

No dip sh*t! I was trying to make a point...... but obvioulsy you are too ignorant to understand! For the love of God man..


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You just answered my next question, whether you went to Brock or not...


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brasileirao said:
jimmystanley said:
to each his own? are unibrows making a comeback?

No dip sh*t! I was trying to make a point...... but obvioulsy you are too ignorant to understand! For the love of God man..

Tony = positive

JimStanley = cycnic

End result - explosion


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to lighten the mood a bit, i love your avatar axon. that sh*t makes me laugh everytime. where the hell did you get that?


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Axon said:
brasileirao said:
jimmystanley said:
to each his own? are unibrows making a comeback?

No dip sh*t! I was trying to make a point...... but obvioulsy you are too ignorant to understand! For the love of God man..

Tony = positive

JimStanley = cycnic

End result - explosion

Sorry man, I didnt mean to be a dick, especially since we are all here to help eachother. Sometimes, though, people irritate me with their cycnic view on life.



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brasileirao said:
Axon said:
brasileirao said:
jimmystanley said:
to each his own? are unibrows making a comeback?

No dip sh*t! I was trying to make a point...... but obvioulsy you are too ignorant to understand! For the love of God man..

Tony = positive

JimStanley = cycnic

End result - explosion

Sorry man, I didnt mean to be a dick, especially since we are all here to help eachother. Sometimes, though, people irritate me with their cycnic view on life.


I happen to appreciate your positivity.


Established Member
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this is slightly related...

i was at a house party last week and one of the guys (i never particularly liked too much) i went to school with years ago was there. he shouted out in a crowded room full of drunks that i'm a bald bastard, then he and his girlfriend started to burst their sides laughing at me. i have a buzzed head and he said i never knew it was possible to have a comb over with so little hair. this was meant to be taken as a joke but i'm sick of assholes taking cheap shots at me.

after he said this, a lot of people now started to pay attention and look at me so i said 'shut the f*** up your girlfriend is a fat ugly b**ch' and started to look at her and laugh. she went red and left the room and he was so furious.

i felt so good after. i hit them where it hurt