Heavy dandruff for 5 months....Now itchy scalp and hair loss


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Hello to everyone.

First off, I'de like to thank anyone who reads and finds enough interest to reply. All your comments are much appreciated.

I'de like to recall, in a simple way, the situation of my scalp - hair problems.

December 2009 - Starting with dandruff, that was very intense and lasted until June 2010. I'm talking about big white bits coming out all over. What did I do? I tried different sorts of natural shampoo's that relieved the problem for a day or two. After 3 days without washing my dandruff came back.

By June 2010 the dandruff was less visible. I thought everything was fine.......Oh boy was I WRONG!

Around June 15 I started with very intense, sometimes even a little painful ITCHY SCALP all over my head. I'm talking mainly on the crown, temples and back of the head. with this constant ITCH - I noticed more hair falling out than the usual. On my pillow every morning a good 10-15. In the shower countless amounts, when I run my fingers through my hair EACH time I will find 2-3 strands of hair. If i shake my hair in the bathroom, or use some gel I will find endless amounts of strands.

So I went to the doctor July 10 (not derm) for a solution. He gave me some Nizoral to be used 2x per week. The itch is still there. I take my contact lenses off when I shower to avoid seeing my hair fall out.

I have an appointment with the derm August 10th. This is very annoying, yet I am going to do everything I can to stop this. I will keep having faith.

If anyone has any ideas about this, any suggestions I will be very pleased to read them. Could it be male pattern baldness? Could it be an infection? I don't know.... but it sure has made me very annoyed.


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If anyone has an idea, help or suggestion please leave a message.

To be honest, running my fingers through my hair i will easily pull out 10 hairs, if I shake my hair near the sink countless of hairs will fall.

I'm stuck, i'm totally lost,

If anyone has gone through this....please reply

thank you all.


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hi, i have been where you are now.

and you can fix it. it took me 2 years and countless docters to find something that worked.

1. shave all your hair (its nasty, but it has to be done)
2. for a week use a 'vaseline salicilica' sollution, you can get this made in the chemist. but you will need a paper from your docter.

you put this cream on at night, and wash it out in the morning.

after a day or 2 you will feel no more itching, and your hair will grow back very strong.

it worked miracles for me!

I signed up to this forum just to give you this answer.

Good luck!