Heavy shedding stopped w/ Rogaine Foam


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I've had to deal with hair loss for about 6 or 7 years. I have diffuse patterned hair loss, with general thinning all over the crown and vertex, and I have a receding hairline that's about a Norwood 3. For years I've had pretty consistent heavy shedding--lot of hair on my pillow, lot of hair in the shower, lot of hair shed when I run my hands through my hair, etc.. The shedding is much worse on the top of my head. I've been able to live with it only because my hair loss has been very gradual, and it seems that I've been about the same on top for years despite the shedding.

About 3 months ago I started using Rogaine Foam every night. For the first month the shedding was more or less the same as it has been for years: a lot, but no more than normal. For the next couple of months the shedding probably increased a little. I say probably because it's difficult to determine the difference between heavy shedding and extra heavy shedding, but I would count at least 30 hairs in my hand when I applied the foam every night for a couple of months (on top of my shedding throughout the day).

So, it's stopped. One night I just didn't notice a lot of hairs in my hand after applying the foam. That was about two weeks ago. I still shed, but far below the level that I did even before using Rogaine, maybe 10 hairs on my hand when I apply the foam and a lot less during the day. It must be the Rogaine then, and it's kinda nice. I sure hope this translates into thicker hair.

I also started finasteride last week. If I get a shed from that I'll know that it is separate from the minoxidil, because I didn't begin them simultaneously.

Shedding: some just shed more than others, some shed seasonally, some shed because of minoxidil, some shed because of finasteride. Shedding is freaking crazy--I just want thicker hair.