Heightmax?? and other height enhancing products


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Hey i know this is kind of off topic but i was wondering if any of you guys have ever tried or heard of these products???????????????? Im really curious to know if they actually work. heightmax.com


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the only proven method i know is, where they break your legs and get vices to hold the broken bones appart and then it heals making your like 1cm taller , then they break then again .....etc etc. the bad side is that you have these scars from where the clamps and vices were in your legs

but hey what the f*** do i know. If you really care you should go an see your doctor.


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What a load of cack - it's just bloody vitamins and such like ! You may as well get a good diet and a bottle of multi-vitamins/minerals. They bet on the fact that many have a growth spurt between the age of 14 to 18 (like I did) and thus will accredit this crap as being responsible.

Height growth stops at the age of 21 max (usually younger) - it's impossible to get any taller after that without having your legs broken and lengthened. Unless you want to be tortured on a medieval rack !? Ask a Doctor - I know he'll tell you the same !


Established Member
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d2marc , i looked at the link you gave here, its amazing really, but i dont know if it works, i want to believe it but hard to do that.

what do you think? im thinking of ordering it right now


Established Member
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i was thinkin about that product too actually...it seems friggin cool...but it seems to good to be true....im 20 and i havent gotten taller in over a year....so i really doubt a pill is gonna change that


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C'mon lads, be REAL - this cannot possibly be true ! Don't waste your money on this, it's a totally ridiculous scam.

For one thing, just look at the rubbish posted on their website. Apparently, it is only really guaranteed to work for the 12-25 year groups because "Human growth is at its peak in people between those ages, and maximizing your growth potential can only occur while at your growing peak". For one, it's absurd to suggest this is the peak - unless you consider these 13 years to constitute adolesence, which infact is the peak for human growth. Secondly, does anyone know anyone that grew taller after the age of 21 !?!? I've never met such a person.

As a quick aside, the marketing bods for these scam merchants have produced a text which describes "a taller, healthier body". So those people who aren't blessed with great height don't have such healthy bodies ? That's rubbish ! One's mind boggles that in this World where only the fittest survive, why there are any shorties left !?

The Western diet today is such that vitamin/mineral etc. deficiencies are extremely rare. Yep, even with all that crappy fast food. They sidestep this FACT by talking of how, even with a balanced diet approach, we still can't avoid "foods that are filled with chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, steroids and more." Which supposedly stem our growth. Two things -

1) Hmmmm, even with their product, wouldn't we STILL be exposed to ""foods that are filled with chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, steroids and more." ?
2) If this is the case, then ask yourself why man's average height has increased so rapidly in the last century ?

Finally, note that the "HOW Heightmax works page" doesn't actually tell you how it works - at all ! The site refers blithely to "clinical trials" without ever producing a single shred of evidence, any scientific data, to back up their claims. The entire thing is a hoax.

Save your money !!!!!! It will NOT work !!!!!!


Established Member
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lol, this site is just crawling with gullible people... I would seriously reccommend this site to late night info-mercial producers, telephone scammers, credit card scammers, insurance fraudsters, etc- they'd make millions off of some the members here, lol

sorry, but it just blows my mind to see the content some of you are looking at around here- vitamins to make you grow taller??? Green tea, shampoos, soaps, etc to make your hair grow? The scary thing is, that people who fall for this garbage are actually out there, and on this message forum in particular- without you clueless, mindless fools buying into this scam stuff, the fraudsters wouldn't have jobs

wake up people