Green Soap

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I'm sitting here running my fingers through my hair in my PC mirror (drying off after my Nizoral wash - I'm the only guy here who uses it every other night and I leave it in for 20 mins or more).

It is getting SO THICK!!!!

You gotta understand, I had the nastiest thin, diffused hair for the last 10+ years.

I know you guys have read my posts and want pics and as soon as I buy a digicam I will put some up and some pics of somebody with how my hair looked before I started since I never took baseline photos.

It is obvious to me that I am one of the very small percentage who experience excellent regrowth on minoxidil and I

..........am just blown away.. I really couldn't be happier. I'm on my 6th bottle of minoxidil, been doing 4grams of MSM a day....and I'm on my second week of finasteride...

and my hair is getting SO THICK!..
It can improve some more (of course) and will but at this point I can't see my scalp anymore, my hairline is improving and my crown is filling in.

Guys, it might not work as well for you as it is for me but the stuff DOES WORK.

Key is consistency.

I've been doing my minoxidil on a close trimmed head religiously twice a day, plus 4grams msm, and Nizoral for 20 minutes, every OTHER night (people will balk but my hair and scalp are perfectly healthy).

Just started finasteride. (Fincar $70 a year, how bout them apples?).

Expecting a finasteride shed but I'm ready.

Anyway, men, keep up with your regimens and be consistent.

Wow. I'm so happy. I'm so thankful for this site. My hair is coming BACK!!!!!!!

too bald too furious

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Hey thats excellent to hear teethering, I am also on a similar regimen like yours...minoxidil and nizoral. I am in the 5th month of minoxidil application and my hair has improved definitely. Hair line has thickened and hairs are starting to stand up in the front.:)
I havent started finasteride though, but will soon be starting with it. :freaked2:
I would love to see some pictures of yours. Good luck with the continued success. :hairy:


good news!

let's here it for the big three.

I also use Nizoral every other day.

Bone Daddy

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Teetering on the edge said:
(I'm the only guy here who uses it every other night and I leave it in for 20 mins or more).

Hardly.. but mine is left on for about 5-10 minutes instead.


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hooooooorayyyy teeeeeeeeeeth, its so good to hear success story like yours, you are almost at the cure i believe. :D

We really want to see the pictures ASAP, i hope you get the digi cam soon and take couple of shots before and after also wet pictures, brushed and etc :p

Cheers, keep up the good work :freaked: :)


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I use nizoral 2% 3 times a week and i leave it in for 5 minutes at the most

Bone Daddy

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Better than leaving "it" in for 5 minutes at most.

8 times yesterday, my woman and I thank you finasteride!

Green Soap

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Trimmed it down from 13 mm to 9 mm today just to be sure and yep....almost feels like a normal head of hair again. I can't believe how rapidly things are turning around.

Not quite, still filling in to do...but it is heading that way. But damn it is looking so good. Honestly, I'd be perfectly happy if it never got better.

(I'm also a pretty positive person on top of that so, I imagine I have that placebo effect working in my favor on top of it :wink: . Apparently the placebo is a huge deal and can actually cause regrowth - so I stay positive).

This stuff is making each day brighter and brighter. I just hope my finasteride shed won't be too brutal :shock: I'm ready for it, though, if it happens. I've been losing my hair for 12 years slowly and one more sickening shed won't be a damn thing.

Especially since I now keep my hair so closely cropped!

On top of that, I now have a very cute young girl named Katie asking me to call her..

I'm enjoying this. Thanks to you guys for all the info!

Green Soap

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it's "SAV-ON Osco" brand by Alberstons. Albertsons is a big grocery sotre chain here.

I buy a three month supply for about $30 and it is 5% minoxidil.

Like I said, money well spent. :)