Hello, I'm new with burning questions.


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Hello, I'm a newbie to this sight, which I might add has been the biggest help I've found so far on the internet.

I 20 now, with norwood 2, and ready to seriously combat my hairloss before it's too late. I've tried to research as much as I could on this sight to figure things out for myself, but I still have some burning questions I could not find clear answers too. I hope anyone can help.

1- how well does Rogaine work for the hairline, is that part of it's pupose?
2- will hair loss increase in an area if I suddenly stop using rogaine in that area
3-is the difference between 1mg and 1.25mg a serious one, in general.

And the most important question on my mind is...
4- Propecia is out of my price range, but the cut proscar pills arent. how hard is it to get a perscription for this. Have most of you encountered problems from your doctors, moral or otherwise, in justifing getting a proscar perscription rather then a propecia one?

I hope you can help, thank you!


Asked a doctor who is a specialist in hair transplant, he´s swede from Lund which is among the most respected medical schools in the world, anyways he told me that 1.25 would mean no difference in terms of effect on the system and nor would it effect your offspring.

About Rogain - from what I´ve understood the hair you gain with it is the hair you lose when you stop using it. I´ve heard people say that you lose hair around the area where you used rogain and that makes some sense but not alot. Basiclly if you start using it you probably won´t stop - but then again if you want to do everything possible for your hairline.


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Minoxidil has done dang well for me up front. Regrowth and thickening. Had been on propecia alone for 3+ years but the front kept thinning and receding. The minoxidil study below found 1/3 of guys can benefit from minoxidil up front, probably more at least maintained.

The wise ones say minoxidil only gives an offset of hair growth, doesn't acually stop the balding process. That's why finasteride is also important.

People have posted studies showing that after quitting minoxidil, hairloss can get much worse. But it rebounds to where it would have been had you not used minoxidil.

There are also generic finasteride tablets available online. I've used Cipla's (Indian drug company) finpecia/fincar for years. Might be worth trying if you've too much difficulty getting a 'script.

"Increased Frontal Scalp Coverage and Frontal Hair Regrowth with 5% and 2% Minoxidil Topical Solution"
Elise A Olsen, M.D.; Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; David A. Whiting, M.D.; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX; Jeffrey J. Miller, M.D.; Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA
Frontal and vertex areas of the scalp in men with androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia) were assessed and treated in the pivotal clinical studies with 5% and 2% minoxidil topical solution. The efficacy and safety of 5% and 2% minoxidil topical solution have been demonstrated in target areas on the leading edge of vertex balding in a 48-week, randomized, placebo-controlled study of men with vertex pattern 3, 4, 5, or 6 hair loss based on the Savin Male Pattern
and Density Scale (Olsen et al, 2002, in press).
Patients were instructed to apply 5% or 2% minoxidil topical solution or placebo to the frontal/parietal areas of the scalp twice daily.
In order to assess the effect of 5% and 2% minoxidil on change in frontal/parietal scalp hair coverage, an independent panel of 3 blinded experts retrospectively reviewed photographs of the frontal scalp from patients who participated in this study. Photographs from 139 patients in the 5% minoxidil topical solution group, 142 patients in the 2% group, and 71 patients in the placebo group were reviewed and scored to determine changes in scalp coverage and central hair part width.
The photographs consisted of standardized, reproducible, digitized views of Polaroid photographs taken of the superior frontal/parietal scalp at baseline and at weeks 16 and 48. Change from baseline in scalp coverage was measured on a 7-point categorical scale. The
median of the Global Panel Review scores from the 3 independent reviewers was reported.
Scores for patients in both the 5% and 2% minoxidil topical solution treatment arms at weeks 16 and 48 indicated significantly greater frontal scalp coverage compared to placebo (p<.001).
Frontal scalp coverage for 33% of patients in the 5% group, 15% in the 2% group, and 6% in the placebo group at week 16 was rated as moderately or greatly increased. At weeks 16
and 48, frontal scalp coverage rating scores were significantly higher for patients in the 5% minoxidil topical solution group compared with the 2% minoxidil topical solution and placebo groups (p<.001).
The findings of this retrospective analysis provide useful information for clinicians who monitor and treat patients with Androgenetic Alopecia.


Use rogaine 5%(growth)
crinagen/revivogen(DHT inhibiting)
Nizoral(for healty scalp and mild DHT inhibiting)

If this does not help, let me know.