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Around last year my mom came up behind me while I was using the computer and said, "Oh my God! You're going bald!" It wasn't really an exclamation, but it sure felt like it. Ever since then, I've been pretty self-conscious about it. There are times when I forget about it, but as soon as I touch my head, I can feel my scalp through my thinning hair and that just irks me. Oh, this happened soon after I turned 20 and I've been steadily losing hair since. I've thought about a couple of options. I'm going to try to accept it and let it be, shave my head, try propecia, maybe a hair transplant, or use some thickening shampoo and see what happens. However, I'm not lucky enough to have a family that has a lot of money, so I don't think I will go for a hair transplant. Plus, I asked my mom if she could help me get Propecia or even American Crew and she said, "It's not that bad now, I'll buy it for you later." But of course, it's not "that bad" for her because she's not the one going through it. I was also considering cutting my hair really short... but then I'm hesitating because I think if I did that, my scalp would be readily visible from my forehead to the crown of my head.

I remember when my hair used to be thick and each strand was strong. When we were kids, we used to pluck a strand of hair and put it up against another kid's to see which one would break and mine would win. Now, the strands are getting so thin that it's probably less than half the thickness that it used to be. I've never had good luck with girls anyway and I'm thinking maybe I'll just focus on my life, family, and friends and if a girl comes into my life, then she does and if not, then oh well. I can't live my life solely on the hopes that I will get with a hot girl. If it is fated that I meet a special woman, then she will probably accept me for who I am, not reject me because I lost hair due to genetics.


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get some propecia, its a lot easier to maintain than to regrow.

if you need to regrow, get some minoxidil at wal-mart of k-mart, get the generics; it should be pretty cheap.

add some nizoral shampoo and you'll be on your way hairier years


Great post, dchae. It seems like you got the right attitude towards life. It's live and let die, motherfucker 8) .


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dchae said:
I remember when my hair used to be thick and each strand was strong. When we were kids, we used to pluck a strand of hair and put it up against another kid's to see which one would break and mine would win.
I'm guessing your family also didn't have enough money to buy you a nintendo when you were a kid too.... j/p :)

Seriously though, money shouldn't be too much of a problem if you search around the web. I'm a full time student right now so the funds are kinda low but I'm still managing. Just buy generic products like Fincar, which can cost around $50 a year as opposed to buying Propecia and spending roughly $600 a year.


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kalbo said:
dchae said:
I remember when my hair used to be thick and each strand was strong. When we were kids, we used to pluck a strand of hair and put it up against another kid's to see which one would break and mine would win.
I'm guessing your family also didn't have enough money to buy you a nintendo when you were a kid too.... j/p :)

Seriously though, money shouldn't be too much of a problem if you search around the web. I'm a full time student right now so the funds are kinda low but I'm still managing. Just buy generic products like Fincar, which can cost around $50 a year as opposed to buying Propecia and spending roughly $600 a year.

Lol, that game was just to pass time when we weren't near a gaming system, plus it wasn't with my brothers but some other kids. Wow, I didn't know that the genetic ones were so cheap. How effective is Fincar? I read somewhere that you normally have to wait 8 months before seeing results. Also, could I just use Fincar by itself? I was under the impression that you needed a mix of several things.. =P


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i wonder who gave him that impression.

yeah, if you are just trying to maintain what you have, and get a little boost that lasts 2-3 years, just do the finasteride.