Family History:
Grandfathers on both sides are nearly bald, however, didn't kick in until about their 60s, like normal. Dad is 61 has a full head of hair no real hairline recession either. Mother has some thin spots similar to the ones I'm experiencing but this, again, didn't kick in until about 50.
I've always had thick wavy hair, like I used to wish it wasn't so thick. Around January (6-7 months ago) I began to notice some slight thinning around my hairline, although nothing major. Never noticed any hair fall in this time. Decided to see a dermatologist when it seemed to get worse around march, by this time my temples seemed to fully recess and I noticed patchiness in my newly developed widows peak, also, patchiness in the side part where I used to part my hair. He offered propecia after literally just looking at my hair, didn't even touch it, and said in our one-minute meeting it was just male pattern baldness. I was kind of pissed, it seemed he hardly inspected my hair or cared but freaked out I opted for propecia. After one month on propecia I quit due to beginning to notice shedding a lot, sebum all over my face, and generally feeling lethargic. Don't really want to mess with my hormones to preserve hair, seems not the best for my health. Fast forward to now (June/July) in about 6 months I have lost a ton of hair, like, it seems unusual, doesn't this take longer? My hair has gone from wavy to curly, like super curly, was always frizzy, now is really frizzy and generally dry although I use good products and even a leave-in conditioner. I shed a lot in the shower, if I don't wash my hair one day, or at the end of a day I rustle my hands through my hair over the sink there is a ton of hair fall, some hairs have the keratin bulbs others don't, some are very short (my hair is quite long currently) and some are normal length for my haircut. In addition my head is very itchy everywhere, sides and back included. My sides and back are definitely thicker but they have experienced slight shedding as well.
My main question is, is this normal? I feel as though I have hit a Norwood 3 in about 6 months, does this mean I'm going to be bald in another 6?? Is it possible I'm experiencing telegon effluvium from the medication intervention?
Also, if anyone has input on better haircuts for my current state or even getting into hairpieces, that'd be helpful. I'm not interested in minoxidil or propecia, they are too expensive and I don't want to maintain a regimen for my entire life.
Grandfathers on both sides are nearly bald, however, didn't kick in until about their 60s, like normal. Dad is 61 has a full head of hair no real hairline recession either. Mother has some thin spots similar to the ones I'm experiencing but this, again, didn't kick in until about 50.
I've always had thick wavy hair, like I used to wish it wasn't so thick. Around January (6-7 months ago) I began to notice some slight thinning around my hairline, although nothing major. Never noticed any hair fall in this time. Decided to see a dermatologist when it seemed to get worse around march, by this time my temples seemed to fully recess and I noticed patchiness in my newly developed widows peak, also, patchiness in the side part where I used to part my hair. He offered propecia after literally just looking at my hair, didn't even touch it, and said in our one-minute meeting it was just male pattern baldness. I was kind of pissed, it seemed he hardly inspected my hair or cared but freaked out I opted for propecia. After one month on propecia I quit due to beginning to notice shedding a lot, sebum all over my face, and generally feeling lethargic. Don't really want to mess with my hormones to preserve hair, seems not the best for my health. Fast forward to now (June/July) in about 6 months I have lost a ton of hair, like, it seems unusual, doesn't this take longer? My hair has gone from wavy to curly, like super curly, was always frizzy, now is really frizzy and generally dry although I use good products and even a leave-in conditioner. I shed a lot in the shower, if I don't wash my hair one day, or at the end of a day I rustle my hands through my hair over the sink there is a ton of hair fall, some hairs have the keratin bulbs others don't, some are very short (my hair is quite long currently) and some are normal length for my haircut. In addition my head is very itchy everywhere, sides and back included. My sides and back are definitely thicker but they have experienced slight shedding as well.
My main question is, is this normal? I feel as though I have hit a Norwood 3 in about 6 months, does this mean I'm going to be bald in another 6?? Is it possible I'm experiencing telegon effluvium from the medication intervention?
Also, if anyone has input on better haircuts for my current state or even getting into hairpieces, that'd be helpful. I'm not interested in minoxidil or propecia, they are too expensive and I don't want to maintain a regimen for my entire life.