Help/Advice Needed - 33 yr old considering 2500 FUT hair transplant


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Hi guys. I recently visited with a doctor for a consultation.

The road that took me there:

-At 21, started noticing hairloss along the hairline. Tried applying Rogaine bit it was tedious, messy and itchy so I stopped

-At 23, after losing more hair I started taking proscar. I've taken proscar on and off for the past 10 years

-From 25-28 the hairloss kind of stabilized, then it got worse, but I was able to play around and experiment with different hairstyles to get around it and deal with it

-At 31-32, it started getting worse again and on top of that I was going through painful divorce and loss of job

-At 33, it's finally reached the point where it's hard to be happy with it in the mirror, particularly on the right side where there's more recession

Upon visiting the doctor, who was very nice and at ease, he recommended I get 2500 FUT to recreate my hairline and I ASSUME fortify the sparse hairline currently there which would be behind the new hairline and to densify the layers behind the current hairline.

In my mind, I thought I could justify spending between $5-$7k max, but he told me it'd be $10,750 if I want it done right. If I skimp and do 2000 FUT than maybe $8,500.

It's just too much I think to justify, but I'm caught between a rock and a hard place here. I would love to be able to look the way I always took pride in, and being single again for the first time since I was 23, I'd like to be able to have that same attractiveness. I always placed a lot of emphasis on my hair, fwiw.

I'm openly wondering:

1. Do you think I need 2500 FUT? He hasn't sent me the pictures from what he drew yet (I requested for reference), but I'm wondering if I need as full a hairline as he drew and suggests. I mean, i wouldn't mind having a thinning looking hairline if it was at a more normal level of my forehead and even along both sides. It doesn't have to be impenetrable.

2. What do you think of the cost he quoted? There didn't seem to be any flexibility on it from him unfortunately.

3. Do you think there are other doctors I should consider (I'm in NYC) that might be less expensive without compromising quality or does that price sound fair? (The doctor I saw has gotten positive reviews from this site.)

4. Any comments or questions welcome.

Thanks for your time, as this is a big decision and issue in my life (as pathetic as that sounds to myself as I type it).


  • Main Hairline Reveal Normal.jpg
    Main Hairline Reveal Normal.jpg
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  • Main Hairline Reveal Close.jpg
    Main Hairline Reveal Close.jpg
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  • basic area of thinning to be fortified.jpg
    basic area of thinning to be fortified.jpg
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  • Right side killing me - pulled back.jpg
    Right side killing me - pulled back.jpg
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  • Right side killing me - normal.jpg
    Right side killing me - normal.jpg
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  • The left side - normal and styled.jpg
    The left side - normal and styled.jpg
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  • the left side thats still decent.jpg
    the left side thats still decent.jpg
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New Member
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8th photo - looks decent head on


  • front shot styled, looks decent in this shot.jpg
    front shot styled, looks decent in this shot.jpg
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Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Has it stabalised mate as if not then it's risky to have the procdure with your pattern of loss in my opinion.


Experienced Member
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well 2500 seems to be enough for that loss, and not to expensive.. but that depends on what dr you choose.. if its a greate dr that has been recognized for his work then its a ok price, youre hairloss dont look that bad at 33 i must say.
Im 26 and have it a litle bit worse.
Im considering fue this fall, just dont think i can handle the strip scar.

GL on youre choise