Help and advice on this regimen please.


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Hey Guy's! Im a new poster here and i've been following this forum for a few months now.I've been searching hairloss forums all around the net and i must say that i think this one is by far the best.Anyway here's my story.
Im almost turning 21 and im a norwood 2 right now.My crown and the top of my head is a little thinner than it uses to be also.I've started receeding at about 17 years old by the looks of my pictures.So id say about 4 years ago i started to receed.Now about 5 months ago i started Rogaine on the receeding areas and the colourless peach fuzz that was around my receeding area turned to the colour of my regular hair and it filled in with little tiny black hairs that are now starting to get darker and grow a little bit loner and thicker in some spots.If these areas would turn to thick terminal hairs i would have a perfect young boys hairline.Anyways so i was wondering what you guy's think of this regimen i want to start.I already started Dr.Lee's Xandox 15 at night,Xandrox 5 in the day,spironolactone 5% at night after the Xandrox 15,Dr.Lee's Regrowth Shampoo 3 times per week,Revivogen shampoo,conditioner,and scalp serum, Viviscal,and the Hairmax Laser Comb 3 times per week.I've been on everything except the Vivisca and Laser Comb for under 2 weeks so far.I've been on the Viviscal for under 2 months and the Laser Comb for about 4 months.Now i want to start taking 1mg of Propecia starting next week and i was wondering with this whole regimen listed above is it possible for me to move back 1 step on the norwood scale (norwood 1)?If so how long do you think it would take?Has anyone here gone from a norwood 2 to a norwood 1 with a similar regimen?Im also thinking about adding Emu oil for the scalp and applying the Xandrox,Revivogen,and spironolactone to my whole scalp instead of just my receeding areas to thicken up the rest of my hair.What do you guy's think?If anybody here with experience could help me out i would greatly appreciate it.I dont have a digital camera yet so i cant take pictures.But i will keep everybody updated on my progress once i start Propecia.Again thanks guys and sorry for the long post!


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stax said:
I already started Dr.Lee's Xandox 15 at night,Xandrox 5 in the day,spironolactone 5% at night after the Xandrox 15,Dr.Lee's Regrowth Shampoo 3 times per week,Revivogen shampoo,conditioner,and scalp serum, Viviscal,and the Hairmax Laser Comb 3 times per week.I've been on everything except the Vivisca and Laser Comb for under 2 weeks so far.I've been on the Viviscal for under 2 months and the Laser Comb for about 4 months.Now i want to start taking 1mg of Propecia starting next

You started all of that before you started Propecia?


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I think you can ditch the Viviscal. There is really no evidence that it does a thing other than lighten your wallet.

Unless money is no object, I don't think I would add Propecia at this point. You've already got a few things that are topical anti-androgens, and you're seeing results, so I'm not sure that adding Propecia is worth the cost. Furthermore, since you're only 20, I'm not sure that the risk of messing with your hormones, even though it's minimal, is worth a bit more anti-androgens when you already have some.

If you're going to add anything, I would add copper peptides, as we've been discussing in another thread. Check out the link to the article on cu's and hair growth that I posted in that other thread. You can use cu's at the same time you're using your other topicals, with the possible exception of Revivogen.


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Yeah pretty much but i only started the Xandrox 15,Xandrox 5, 5% spironolactone,Revivogen,Regrowth Shampoo like 2 weeks ago.I was kind of afraid to use Propecia and i didnt want to wait before starting treatment.But i just ordered some real Propecia yesterday and i'll have it in like 2 weeks.Mabye i should add copper peptides to my regimen to top it off but i just dont know.I want to start everything now so that later on down the road i'll have more hair.Atleast for 10 more years and hopefully hair multipication or some cure will come out.The only reason i want to add propecia is so it can help tern my little black hairs that came in my receeded hairline to terminal hairs again and after seeing traxdata's results on his hairline i really want to try it.I just dont want to risk those hairs not going terminal and i want to do as much as possible.Yeah i think i might add the copper peptides but i have to read that article first.


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If I were you I would dump everything and go on Proxiphen and probably end up saving some cash at the same time as well as saving a massive hassle.


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I was thinking about that but Dr.Lee said that minoxidil and spironolactone arne't compatible in the same mix or that they are unstable or something.About the Viviscal i was thinking of dumping it but my eyebrows are noticablt thicker now since using it and i've always had really thin eyebrows.Even new hairs are growing their.


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stax said:
.Mabye i should add copper peptides to my regimen to top it off but i just dont know.

Whoa you need to slow down stax, I understand you want to do everything you can but you can't just suddenly go from using shampoo your whole life to suddenly dumping all of these topicals on your scalp. You need to ease into it. If you have a problem with a certain topical you need to know what is doing what. Your scalp needs to adjust to a sudden and massive change that you are now putting it through. The last thing you need to do right now is add something.

Being a NW2, being 20, spironolactone and Minoxidil might have done the trick as I don't think anyone can go to a perfet hairline again.


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stax said:
I was thinking about that but Dr.Lee said that minoxidil and spironolactone arne't compatible in the same mix or that they are unstable or something.

Dr Proctor has supposedly found a way to do it. Look up some posts by "Bryan" using the search feature.


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Great and thanks for letting me know.Im going to look into it.So how much is it and where can i buy it?About the topicals i used 5% rogaine for about about 5 months before swithching to the Xandrox.The only other topicals im using is the 5%spironolactone lotion and the revivogen.Im currently only using those for my Hairline and a little spot on the crown that has thinned a little bit.My overall hair is a bit thinner than it used to be and you can notice it when my hair is wet.Should i use the Xandrox on my whole scalp aswell?So what should i go on finasteride?male pattern baldness does run in the family unfortunately but not everybody has it.I just want to keep my hair the way it is now with regrowth of my hairline the way it was 3 years ago and some thickening of my overall hair and maintain that for atleast 10 years untill a cure or HM is out.Any suggestions?


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If you're noticing thinning all over, I would use whatever topicals you are using all over, wherever thinning is likely to occur with male pattern baldness. You can find out about Proxiphen and order it here:


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Also what is the percent of spironolactone in the prescription Phoxiphen the 2% or 5%?Also whats the Minoxidil percentage?Have people on had good results with this like maintainance,regrowth,or thickening?Does it have Anzelic acid in it?Do you use it twice per day too?Thanks!