Help, I Have Cobblestoning In Recipient Area


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stay strong brother

there are plenty of knowledgeable guys here who can help you out


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1. Fut scar will likely improve over time once the effect of donor shock loss moves out;
2. After 5 months you should hardly have any regrowth. Give it AT least 6/8 months. The transplanted hair needs a lot of time to grow again.
3. In general, you should stress less about your hair transplant. You seem to be very anxious as a person. Is it possible your attitude towards your hair transplant underlines a general anxiety problem? Just asking.


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It's way too early to say how your transplant will end up, as 5 months you have barely started getting growth. Both my FUT transplants came out uneven at first, but the first one straightened out after a year. That may seen like a long time but hair grows so slow and the shock to the grafts takes time to work itself out.


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I don't want my hair to even grow, in fact I was pressured into doing the hair transplant by the guy who wouldn't stop calling me and giving me crap about how I wouldn't want to be bald because it sucks. I don't care for my growth I just want to get rid of the cobblestoning/pitting and find a way to conceal my scar well enough to shave

I can never understand how someone would buy a product or service the seller has to BEG them to pay for. Who was the doctor? Put somr photos up. You could probably sue if it's that bad and they're in your country.


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Because when you've fallen into a deep enough depression your mind gets clouded by all those "success stories" you kept finding on the internet... I can't post photos until after a dentist appointment so I can shave my head and see how bad it really is... I'm that self conscious now that I can't even cut my hair or let it grow anymore. I'm trapped

You sound like you had mental issues prior to the surgery. Not saying that to be mean. Did you go to Bosley? I wouldn't be surprised if your result isn't as bad as you think, and like others have said, 5 months leaves a lot of positive growth to come.

And what do you mean when you say you can't "cut my hair or let it grow"? It will grow whether you like it or not. You should have gone to a reputable doctor who wasn't just a salesman from a chop shop. If you spend ten grand on a surgery with a doctor that is calling you begging you to come, then you need to see a psychiatrist first and foremost. Not saying that to be mean, but you sound like you have other issues to sort out and maybe a xanax prescription for general life reasons.


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I don't know why you bother replying if you aren't gonna offer helpful options to me. I'm sure we all have an issue if we're here on a hairloss forum. I'm real young and got pulled in it's as simple as that. I've never had issues other than my hair loss and live a healthy life exercising and staying fit and educated as well as being productive. Dr bolton did my hair transplant. Made a mistake and I'm asking for help here, so again, if you have repaired an hair transplant you had or know someone who has then I'd like some good advice so I obviously won't do something stupid again like go to a doctor who doesn't know what the f*** they're doing. Not saying this to be mean either, but suggesting a xanax prescription so lightly tells me that you probably take prescription medication of your own, but I do have the young and stupid impulse decision making syndrome I'll admit that much.

And then xanax would clearly help you. If you do something as stupid has have have a transplant and spent 10 grand with a known botcher of transplants then FUK YES you should be on prescription meds like xanax.

Also you should post pictures. No one can help or see if there is an actual issue without photos.


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I didn't know he was a botch artist I tried to find bad reviews of him but I didn't see any. Idk how they hide it. Look I'm ready to be bald and be one fkn happy skinhead, I'll post pics for you tomorrow because I'm going to buzz my hair with a 0 guard. And please, offer me some serious suggestions

Why are you shaving your head? You're 5 months post op, you have a lot of growth to get still.

If you have cobblestoning issue why the fuk would you shave your head? Dude you're making mistake after mistake, stay calm, wait for the regrowth and post some pictures up. It probably isn't as bad as it looks.

You're the type who will be back here in a week complaining that you're going to end it all because people made fun of your cobblestoning. Just keep your hair and be sensible.

Also you say you're educated, but your research skills are atrocious. Use your head, calm down and get the damn xanax prescription. Some people DO ACTUALLY NEED IT. Yourself included.

Does someone like this sound like a good transplant doctor?

On his Proof of GOD!!! site, Bolton creates a numerology code in which he postulates that numbers are messages from God, including 'Reincarnation Good' and 'Reincarnation Bad', The Daily Dot reported.

He decides that the number eight, or a double four, represents 'Yeshua', and since he is 44 this year, he is Yeshua.

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Because I want to see how bad the cobblestoning and the scar really are. I'll just wear caps for a month until it grows and I am in a situation where I can do this and not be noticed right now so that's why I'm choosing now to do it. I also want people not to choose a lunatic to ruin their lives and instead pick doctors who strive for improvement by updating their techniques and all.

You should see a psychiatrist. You already sound like you need benzos, not sure how you'll react when you see your scar and cobblestoning, but it won't be well, and not sure what the point is. You need to seek help.


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Might as well see it for what it truly is. 3D bioprinted skin for scarring is in the works so whatevs I'll just hope for that. Also I'm going to show people how these things look and if I repair I'll show them too. I don't see what is so wrong with that? This can offer lots of information to people.

No one cares, if you want to show off, then go to the gym and get a six pack. No one in the real world wants to see your cobblestoning or freak scar. Maybe you should actually get a job? Pretty disgusting you're sitting at home for a month presumably on government money bitching on a hairloss forum about a transplant the government paid for (because as you said you don't have a job). You should just let the damn transplant you paid for grow in and stop acting like a VICTIM. You made a choice to do no research or simply ignore bad information about Bolton, you need to take charge of your life. It's really, really pathetic. Also it would take you 5 minutes to take a photo of your head, and you still haven't done that so how can people here help or know if you ACTUALLY have a problem?

And "3D bioprinted skin for scarring is in the works so whatevs I'll just hope for that"?

What does one even say to that kind of stupidity?


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What the f*** people do care about some of this information and they come here to get help or advice not to be put down. When did I ever say I didn't have a job?! I said I'd wear a cap for a month so I'm not noticed until hair grows back. I don't sit on government money I worked to pay for this transplant as well as everything else. Now I'm working to fix it. Stop being so defensive about me posting some pictures I'll post whatever the f*** I want. The only thing I've seen you do is be a dumbass and troll other people as I've seen from some of your replies in other threads. Go be an annoying b**ch on someone else's thread and wait until I post my pictures so you can come back to my thread because you're obsessed with my case so much. You want to see my pics that bad? Then go find my thread where I posted my scar.

(As you said you don't have a job) where did I say that? Are you the one needing meds?
If you want to show off then go to the gym and get a six pack?
You almost just sound 10. In fact I won't even bother arguing with you further. Someone who replies with "dude" on threads including mine.

Go ahead and post another reply I'm starting a new thread for the pics. See you tomorrow because I know you'll be sitting at your computer every passing minute waiting for my pics.

You're the one who went to a surgeon in 2016 who had previously lost his license in 2014 and proclaimed himself the second coming of Jesus Christ because of a numerology code he made up.


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Tano, i am very sorry for this.

I had a bad transplant as well a few years back.

It doesn't make you crazy or stupid, it was just a poorly researched mistake. We ALL make mistakes.

WE beat our selves up about it over and over and over, because we have to see it every day when we look in the mirror.

People make WAY WAY worst mistakes everyday, but they can get past them because they have to physically see it every day.

Here is some honesty from someone who was in your position a few years back -

1) recipient area will look bad for a while. You very likely have Telogen Effluvium due to the trauma, and after a few months, a lot of hair may grow back.

2) cobblestoning reduces in appearance with time, as the tissue heals... trust me, so will the scar. big time.

3) If you're in the situation where you've lost most of your other hair and ALL you have is the transplant, you can consider going to a top notch surgeon, having them fue out the recipient area and transplant back into the scar.

4) IT IS WAY worst in your mind than anyone elses. seriously, no one else gives two fucks. This has been the hardest part for me, and I still haven't accepted this.


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Tano, i am very sorry for this.

I had a bad transplant as well a few years back.

It doesn't make you crazy or stupid, it was just a poorly researched mistake. We ALL make mistakes.

WE beat our selves up about it over and over and over, because we have to see it every day when we look in the mirror.

People make WAY WAY worst mistakes everyday, but they can get past them because they have to physically see it every day.

Here is some honesty from someone who was in your position a few years back -

1) recipient area will look bad for a while. You very likely have Telogen Effluvium due to the trauma, and after a few months, a lot of hair may grow back.

2) cobblestoning reduces in appearance with time, as the tissue heals... trust me, so will the scar. big time.

3) If you're in the situation where you've lost most of your other hair and ALL you have is the transplant, you can consider going to a top notch surgeon, having them fue out the recipient area and transplant back into the scar.

4) IT IS WAY worst in your mind than anyone elses. seriously, no one else gives two fucks. This has been the hardest part for me, and I still haven't accepted this.
The psychological impact of a bad hair transplant can leave you worse off then you your prior state.