Help interpreting scalp biopsy??


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Im 21 years old and i just got the results of my 2nd scalp biopsy.. My first one back in march revealed that my hair loss was due to DERMOTOPHYTES (fungus) of which i went on lamisil for 3 weeks. My hair loss has continued with a general thinning around my whole scalp, not any of the norwood or other models. My 2nd biopsy came back and showed no fungus and just simply read, " Nonscarring alopecia consitent with androgenic alopecia, Microscopic analysis shows terminal hair follicles are decreased in size and number".

My question is this analysis concrete that i have male pattern baldness. I have no genetic history and i was previously under the impression that the fungus was the cause of this. Could a fungus 6 months ago have this effect or is this now definitively male pattern baldness. Im havin a hard time believing it because of the 1st biopsy results, my family history as well as i took accutane for 2 weeks 1 year ago. In one year i lost about half of my hair i keep reading that male pattern baldness takes time to onset. Are there any other tests i can get ran,, Like some kind of Testosterone levels or anything.


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It would sound to me like the effects of diffuse thinning as a result of androgenic alopecia are what he's described, and it would sound to me like concrete evidence that you've got Male Pattern Baldness, but without the recession, just diffuse thinning.


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Did you go to the dermatology department to get your scalp biopsy done? And once you got a scalp biopsy how long did it take to get the results?


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Unfortunately, these people have just made a buck off of you.

The same conclusion can be obtained by simply looking at your hair, and looking at the hair of your relatives.