Right then fellers, some input of your opinions/experience/solutions much appreciated on my current situation as it’s really getting to me! Some background info first:
26 years old
Started 0.25mg (getting my body used to it) finasteride about 3 weeks ago - no side effects as of yet
Don’t want minoxidil - just not my thing and hear mix reviews on it
Eat very well(pescatarian) and always researching on ways to improve my diet further to prevent DHT/ increase circulation of blood etc
Work out alot and rarely smoke or drink
Fathers side are quite genetically bald so it seems but out of 5 brothers of my dads him and 3 other brothers have gone bald by about mid 30’s or so
Hair is quite thick like but as you can see I’m heavily receding now.
Much appreciate some advice from other lads my age or older and younger. Not great loosing hair at this age like and in two minds about a hair transplant to cover these spots now, or do I just hold out and see how finasteride gets on and then consider in a year or so?
26 years old
Started 0.25mg (getting my body used to it) finasteride about 3 weeks ago - no side effects as of yet
Don’t want minoxidil - just not my thing and hear mix reviews on it
Eat very well(pescatarian) and always researching on ways to improve my diet further to prevent DHT/ increase circulation of blood etc
Work out alot and rarely smoke or drink
Fathers side are quite genetically bald so it seems but out of 5 brothers of my dads him and 3 other brothers have gone bald by about mid 30’s or so
Hair is quite thick like but as you can see I’m heavily receding now.
Much appreciate some advice from other lads my age or older and younger. Not great loosing hair at this age like and in two minds about a hair transplant to cover these spots now, or do I just hold out and see how finasteride gets on and then consider in a year or so?