help me! i'm 15..


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hello pllllleeeeaaaaasssssseeee help me!!

I'm a 15 year old girl who has been losing her hair for about 7 months now. it like came out of no where. i'm losing it all over my head, not in spots. I have been to dermetologists and doctors and done coutless tests ranging from thyroid, iron, lupus, iron deficincy, hormonal, and even ultrasound of the uterius..basicly anything u can think of...and i am completely and uterly normal.
so my question to u all fine ppl is..wat in the world is wrong with me?!??!!!!? thanks


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come to the women's website- you will get more answers- we don't post here as much-

there is a lot of information here if you look for it and a lot of it applies to women too so we read here though