help me on a regime


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hey everyone one of the guys who has sat and listened for 2 plus doing something..

just looking for some advice from the experts around here.

ok... basically im 29..most of my diffuse thinning took place in my low middle 20's. i can honestly say, my thinning, loss has really stabilized. i dont know that it changes much at all year to year now (maybe a bit in the temple area)..

so i originally wanted to do the big 3..and im still considering it..ive been doing nizoral by itself for 3 months..i just ordered the minoxidil for lee's site (i think growth is what i really need)

my big question really is whehter i should mess with finasteride. i mean, it doesnt seem to necessarily do much more growth. and for stabilizing loss, i think i already have that... what do you guys think.. wait? do it. is it worth the risks that come with it? i mean, i know they are not prevelant, they do seem to exist.. and it seems some people claim it ruins what they got.

do you guys think minoxidil and nizoral together is enough?

talk to me...



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The risks aren't so high. If you notice side effects you can always quit taking Finasteride. You won't grow much har from finasteride alone but protecting the hair follicle from DHT should be the basis of every treatment in my opinion:
See it in that way: Protect the follicle from DHT damage and give it some kickstart to regrow with minoxidil. Use Nizoral to reduce scalp irritations (it is also supposed to have some antiandrogenic properties).