help me out please (pics)


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6 more little pills and im done with month 5 but just over the last month (no unusual shedding which is weird) i def think my crown of all place got thinner im ridiculously down about this please look at the pics and give me some advice im seriously thinking of shaving it and goin with minoxidil inspire me ...please taken nov 11th that was taken today (nov 30th)


Established Member
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Those pictures look about the same to me.. did you think that there was some increased thinning?


Established Member
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yea just at the crown it looks to be a bigger gap in the latest picture

and to the gardner....ill see how things go i really hope this propecia thing works because i despise using minoxidil

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Yes, I'm a minoxidil user and I think that minoxidil is a pain in the ***... it works well for me, but I'd be lying if I told you it is something worth avoiding if the finasteride works for you instead. Given your situation I'd let the Propecia have a bit more time to do its thang.


nothing between those two pictures!!

On Medications like Minoxidil and Propecia over the course of a year your hair will (we hope) be gradually improving, but this proccess is not linear, that is to say it will rise and fall on a micro level, but over the longer term improve.


Take a look at the overall improvement in this example graph, now compare that to the change between mid-may and the start of july if you were to focus in on this small portion of the year you would think "sh*t!!!! it ain't working!!!"

It means nothing to pick out a 19 day period (as you have) and make any kind of judgement on this.

People with no male pattern baldness whatsoever may have a bigger natural fluctuation than you have shown in the photos.

This is why all the old wise wizards on this site like The Gardener, Cassin and say give it a year.

P.S. ignore the Deaner spike at the start of the graph, we are getting our best scientists to look into this, it may be a computer glitch.