Help me pleases


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(I didn't post in the tell your story section just because I think it's a waste to post this twice, since it's long and annoying :p)

I'm currently 20 years old. Up until November of last year, I had the most awesome hair in the world (to me anyways), and it was as thick as it could be. When I was 17, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Now, I take 1000mg of Glucophage, along with Solia (generic birth control for Apri). This caused absolutely no problems with my hair. I was on the same medication for about 2 years, and my doctor got worried because of my blood pressure. Instead of giving me medication to lower it, she took me off my birth control for 3 months. Within 1 month, I had noticed my ponytail was so much smaller, and in my showers, I'd pull massive chunks of hair out. I know this happened in 1 month because I remember how excited I was that my hair looked really good, and that my ponytail was so massive 1 month before. I went to the dermatologist a few months later and he was a nice waste of money because he said Absolutely nothing important. Within 5 months, I had my thyroid checked, normal, I had my hormones tested, Normal. I read online that Glucophage can cause a Vitamin-B deficiency. So, I now take a Super B-Complex vitamin every day. My doctor told me to try Zinc and Magnesium, along with Iron. I take those as well, Along with some vitamin a pharmacist suggested- Marlyns Formula 50 Support for Hair and Nails. I'm also Back on my original Birth control, along with some Blood pressure medication.

Please don't tell me "on average you lose 80-100 hairs a day". I know that. I lose WAY more than that. I was lucky to lose 50 hairs a day before this happened. Any help you could give would be SO much appreciated. I'd love to have my hair back.

Thank you <3