Hi, I`m only 18 and about 18 months ago I started to experience hair loss all across my head. I can`t really tell if I`m on the norwood scale or not. Also I can`t really see any miniaturization going on apart from the edge of my hairline but some people say that it is normal for hair strands to be thinner there. I started minoxidil about 7 months ago and my hair got thicker but recently I suffered, it seems to me, quite a significant shed, and now it seems to have stopped. I want to start a hair growth supplement based on serenoa reppens and vitamins, cause I don`t want to get involved with finasteride since I heard a lot of nasty stories. I posted some pictures, what can you tell about my hair loss ? What norwood am I, if any. I will go and get checked by a dermatologist but have to wait until october when I will go to collage since all the ones in my town are crappy and don`t know **** about hair loss. Thank you for your help.