
Help me with your opinion please!


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Hi, I`m only 18 and about 18 months ago I started to experience hair loss all across my head. I can`t really tell if I`m on the norwood scale or not. Also I can`t really see any miniaturization going on apart from the edge of my hairline but some people say that it is normal for hair strands to be thinner there. I started minoxidil about 7 months ago and my hair got thicker but recently I suffered, it seems to me, quite a significant shed, and now it seems to have stopped. I want to start a hair growth supplement based on serenoa reppens and vitamins, cause I don`t want to get involved with finasteride since I heard a lot of nasty stories. I posted some pictures, what can you tell about my hair loss ? What norwood am I, if any. I will go and get checked by a dermatologist but have to wait until october when I will go to collage since all the ones in my town are crappy and don`t know **** about hair loss. Thank you for your help. WP_20140703_008.jpgWP_20140703_011.jpgWP_20140703_002.jpgWP_20140703_005.jpg


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Dannydxm bro you hair is awesome I'll give anything to get hair like yours but if you really feel like losing a lot then visit a dermatologist. And aboutnoorwood iI don't think you will be on his scale. By the way which minoxidil you use I mean the % and how many times.


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I`m using 5% minoxidil twice a day. And I really think that it helped, just hope that the shed was something seasonal as it seems to have stopped, thank you for the reply .:)
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The front of your hair looks great but at 18 years old your temple looks worrisome to me. It could just be a mature hairline and you wont have male pattern baldness.


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I think they look like that because the way I was gripping my hair, my whole head has been thinning and whenever I run my hand trough it it can be observed. I don`t think I have a pattern as on norwood because it`s thin on the sides and back too, but I can`t be sure of that until I see a good dermatologist, so for now I want to hear the opinion of others since I have no one to talk to about this. Thank you for the reply!


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You may have a -very early- diffuse hair loss, it's something quite hard to notice at the beginning so I'll let you be the judge of that ! No particular thining in the temples, the very front looks more worrysome to me though. Keep these photos and take new ones every six month with the same light to compare.
About natural supplements instead of finasteride, you should know they're likely to work moderately on hair loss at best, finasteride will always get better results. And if your condition gets worse in two-three years (maybe it wont), you'll likely panick and start finasteride anyway, and you'll wish you had started sooner (we all do).
Just try to be absolutely certain you have male pattern baldness before starting such a treatment.


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That`s what I`m waiting for, in 3 months I`ll be leaving for college in a larger city and get a thorough examination, until then I don`t want to start the heavy stuff like finasteride.