Help needed for a new comer


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Hello Fans of the Hair folliclly challenged.

Been losing hair recently and purchased the RegenePlex product from I swear my hair's been falling out even more rapidly since I began using it about 2 weeks ago. Can this happen or can this product make it worse?

Is there any real unbiased words on this Regeneplax stuff or did I get scammed? :?

Thanks in advance.


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johninsanjose said:
Hello Fans of the Hair folliclly challenged.

Been losing hair recently and purchased the RegenePlex product from I swear my hair's been falling out even more rapidly since I began using it about 2 weeks ago. Can this happen or can this product make it worse?

Is there any real unbiased words on this Regeneplax stuff or did I get scammed? :?

Thanks in advance.

"RegenePlex is a Natural, Botanical Treatment (No Drugs!) that Attacks Pattern Hair Loss (DHT Blockers) in Both Men and Women. "

Bro, this sounds like a scam to me? I have never seen anything on this product.

However, shedding is normal when you first begin a new treatment.

Tony Montana


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Looks like another scam product to me...I know I've seen those before and after pictures somewhere else...

You're not gonna grow hair back with saw palmetto my friend.

My honest opinion....Drop that stuff and get on some products that have some science backing them and/or have been proven to grow hair.

Finasteride, minoxidil, Folligen, spironolactone are the most popular.

Stay away from any product that only has customer testomonials and unbeleiveable pictures as evidence of regrowth. They usually are accompanied by high prices and a money back guarantee which they rarely honor.

Here's a great place to start learning and understanding of what works and what doesn't