Help Needed! How Can I Focus On School!?


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My Regimen
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I think you should focus on school and stop wasting time looking for remedies. There are only two medicines that can potentially slow or halt hair loss and they are minoxidil and finasteride(or other anti-androgens). Everything else is pretty much useless. New treatments may potentially be discovered in future but make sure you have good enough career to pay for them if and when they come. So for now, assuming you don't have any side-effects, just take minoxidil and finasteride and focus on your studies knowing you are doing the best you can to fight hair loss.

Norwood One

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I went through the same thing.

The reason we are preoccupied with something that keeps gnawing at us is the mind likes certainties. The unknown (when will my hair grow back, when will the cure be out, when will this be over) causes mass anxiety.

You gotta train yourself to cut it out. Think long term...think..yes i'm losing my hair, but if I don't do well, not only will my hair suffer, but also other aspects of my life, my career, my future. In the end, with incessant checking for cures, if there is none, not only will I be bald, I will also have fckd up in school, feel even worse than before.

Cost benefit analysis.

It works. I come on this forum once in a week, check the notifications, go about my business. Nothing I can do will speed up or slow down the process of a cure for hairloss. All you can do is use existing treatments we have and hope for the future.

There's a flowchart I can't find but its something like this:

Is there a problem? (Yes/No)
---NO - you're good!
----YES - is there something you can do about it? (Yes/No)

YES - then do something about it
NO - then stop worrying about it.

Goldee Lox

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I went through the same thing.

The reason we are preoccupied with something that keeps gnawing at us is the mind likes certainties. The unknown (when will my hair grow back, when will the cure be out, when will this be over) causes mass anxiety.

You gotta train yourself to cut it out. Think long term...think..yes i'm losing my hair, but if I don't do well, not only will my hair suffer, but also other aspects of my life, my career, my future. In the end, with incessant checking for cures, if there is none, not only will I be bald, I will also have fckd up in school, feel even worse than before.

Cost benefit analysis.

It works. I come on this forum once in a week, check the notifications, go about my business. Nothing I can do will speed up or slow down the process of a cure for hairloss. All you can do is use existing treatments we have and hope for the future.

There's a flowchart I can't find but its something like this:

Is there a problem? (Yes/No)
---NO - you're good!
----YES - is there something you can do about it? (Yes/No)

YES - then do something about it
NO - then stop worrying about it.



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Can relate. I was vorn with a (minus)NW2 hairline, it went down and touched my eyebrows.

Started losing that hair when i was 15. By 18 i was paranoid that i had some sort of weird disease as i looked(still am) atleast 5 years older than i actually was, couple that with asthama attacks and not really reaponsive parents and an inclunation to stay home, i was FUCKED UP. Always afraid to converse with my doctor as my father used to take me their. He is a good man but a strict childhood made things hard for us back then.

I remember my first search on my first smartphone was "Can baby hair on my forehead grow back??". Ironically it is only now that people say that i seem like i am thinning and i agree with their point.

Fast frwd to now and i have recuperated.
I don't have those self destructing thoughts anymore but MY f*****g ACADEMICS ARE DEAD.

What am i doing for that??
1.Find what interests me and then lead with that only.

YOU NEED MOMENTUM. Just start reading, taking notes, Understanding and it will make sense after sometime.

Meanwhile i have been ignoring my hair after i got on finasteride and min. Either they will help me or just screw me up.

Im receptive to any side effects but i don't my hair rule my life.

You are losing your youth, Use what all time you have for a better future and enjoy when free.

Or just sulk and lose it all.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I know that feel OP, I straight up bombed a final last year because of my hair loss; I spent the time that I should have been studying reading hair loss forum posts about treatments.

Like the other posters said, just realize that you're doing everything you can if you're on Finasteride and minoxidil. I would also go as far to say that getting a good education to help you get a well paying job is also good for your hair loss, as it will help you afford a hair transplant down the line.


My Regimen
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I can relate to this past few months...

Im not in school lol and i am much older than you.

But how i relate is the 'stress' uncertainty, worry, even curiosity because the hair loss is complicated and huge subject when you start to learn about it---its ALL consuming. Its almost like an addiction of obsession about hair--hair loss, hair remedies etc.

It is very hard for me to focus on things when i am very stressed with worry about something. Usually it's been a family members illness or even a pets illness--NEVER something like this..But it reminds me of that hurry up and wait for bad news..Like limbo.

I just started minoxidil and topical blend and i am seeing some small but some positive i know i am at least a good responder to minoxidil--how good or for how long i don't know yet--but for 'now' this has taken some of the worry off my chest. Also having a clear diagnosis (they misdiagnosed me for 4 weeks via a biopsy that really freaked me out)...

But just even 2 weeks ago i was so stressed and obsessed so i totally understand.


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Hey guys thanks for the advice, I managed to pass 3 of the 5 courses.. I tried my best these past 2 weeks in final exams but it wasn't enough to save the other 2.

After reading the posts I realized that I should stop worrying so much about hair loss, so I decided to visit these forums only once a week from now on as suggested. I must do well at college so I can get a good job.. because my parents won't provide for my treatments and meds forever you know.

Good luck to y'all.


My Regimen
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Well, pass uni and get a job to help pay for hair loss treatments (and there are lots coming onto the market soon).

Or, fail uni, work as a sales clerk and be a bald loser.

Its your choice.
lol harsh but true


Established Member
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I just checked my grades.. looks like I'm gonna fail 3 of the 5 courses I'm taking this semester :(

This disease is draining my energy, I'm having a hard time focusing on my classes when my mind is troubled with this sh*t, instead of doing my homework I spend my time looking for tips and remedies against hair loss. I know school is more important but I'm always tired to study.. I'm at my limit guys

Sorry for the ranting, any of you having the same problem? and what can I do about it? I'm already behind my friends, who are graduating and yet here I am.. 23 years old and still got 2 years to go and that is if I don't fail any more courses.

Are there No other balding people in your Uni.

You should only take the treatments (Don't look at the mirror), and whoops maybe in 1 year you have a full hair.


Senior Member
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I feel you. I have really been struggling the past month of this semester, dealing with things even worse then hair loss atm, although hairloss is still a constant though in the back of my mind. Life has been beating me up really bad latley and in a way it pisses me off. to see all these people going around saying "life is good". when in reality they probably just lucked out and dont have to deal with this.

so for me personally, im not getting through it. Im dropping out of my school next semester to take some time to collect myself. when you have real problems its hard to stress about "is the answer A B or C." it just feels silly. right now im looking at options so I wont be homeless. maybe in a year ill return to school, maybe ill become a truck driver.... who knows


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OR you keep going to school and suck up all that sh*t and accept you will have to survive as a loser for the rest of your life.

Don't ask me why i posted this.