Help needed!!!


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Hello everyone, need some help!!

What it is, is that ive noticed my hair receding very slightly over the last few months and i have maybe fifty hairs or more fall out a day. Ive also noticed that my hair all though long is alot less thinner. I have been also experiencing some itchyness

I have been using nizoral for the last few weeks and is making the itchness a wee bit better. Ive been to two doctors and they both said that i shouldnt worry cause ive still got a full head of hair. I asked to be refered to the dermatoligist but he said there would be know point and there would be about a 7 month wait.

What i really want to know is wether i should jump on the propecia wagon or wait it out and see what happens. Im just scared that suddenly im going to wake up and im bald!!!

Please help



KEVING said:
Hello everyone, need some help!!

What it is, is that ive noticed my hair receding very slightly over the last few months and i have maybe fifty hairs or more fall out a day. Ive also noticed that my hair all though long is alot less thinner. I have been also experiencing some itchyness

I have been using nizoral for the last few weeks and is making the itchness a wee bit better. Ive been to two doctors and they both said that i shouldnt worry cause ive still got a full head of hair. I asked to be refered to the dermatoligist but he said there would be know point and there would be about a 7 month wait.

What i really want to know is wether i should jump on the propecia wagon or wait it out and see what happens. Im just scared that suddenly im going to wake up and im bald!!!

Please help




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I would actually wait till you see a derm and get bloodwork done...thats what i did...then they can rule out possiblities such as a shitty diet or your thyroid levels being abnormal.
I also think if you are ONLY losing 50 hairs a day not to worry.....cause thats way below the average for a normal person but i also think you may just be takening a guess and not really trying to count your hairs(which is near impossible to do a day btw)

Id wait.


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Ok im getting a bit confused on what to do, do you mean i should go and get a blood test to see if theres anything wrong?? I got one not that long ago because i felt tired alot but the test came back fine.

So what do you think i should do, if i jump on the proscar wagon now, will it not mean that ill be used to the drug within say 6 years and it wont work for me no more??

Anyway my hairs seems to be thinner all over cause have been growing it a bit longer recently and it just doesnt seem to be as long or have the usual volume it usually has.

Could things like depression or stress cause my condition.

Is there anyway for sure to tell if you have male pattern baldness??



Senior Member
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If you have medical insurance, visit a doctor, and have him do blood work on you to determine your hormone levels.

Next get on Propecia or a generic finasteride because 98% of the time it's male pattern baldness.


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I agree with the advice of getting blood tests. But ask yourself this- is anybody in your family losing their hair, and did their hairline begin to recede around your age, give or take? If so, then this fact, and the fact that you have noticed yourself that you are thinning and losing hair, are good signs that you are. Therefor, I would get on propecia or 1/4 proscar, same thing. It's not a big deal, and chances are you will not regret it.

Also, where are you losing these 50 hairs, in the shower, or on the pillow while you sleep. See, you're going to notice more hair loss in the shower due to the friction and tugging, etc., of shampooing. Whereas while you sleep, they are most likely "falling out on their own", with less effort, so to speak. That said, if you notice them on your pillow, that means you are probably losing even more in the shower.

I was able to judge that propecia worked for me because I went from losing 50 hairs on my pillow to losing 3 or 4 every night. It took 3 months, but I noticed a drop in loss this way alone. Check your pillow in the morning. It is normal to lose 150 or so hairs every day, but that's throughout the entire day.

Good luck.