Help Needed


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Over the last few months my hair has went from long and thick to thin, long and itchy scalp plus i can see that im balding on top and receeding a wee bit at front. The thing is im only 22 and feel like this has happened all too fast.

Question ive got is, if i go back to the doctor again what will i get him to check incase it isnt male pattern baldness??

Secondly how the hell am i going to get rid of this itch it drives me mad, plus ive read that finasteride doesnt really work if you cant get rid of the itch.
I use nizoral every third day and tgel every other but to know effect. Scalp still feels itchy and burning.

Really getting hacked off.



I sh*t you not, this is what you need to do!

1) Get Nizoral shampo TODAY! no better yet get it yesterday and as soon as you got, massage it into your hair. Leave on for 10 mins.

2) Order spironolactone from 5% for the top, 2% for the crown.

3) Order revivogen from this site or their official site.

4) Get on finasteride.

Forget about minoxidil or anything else you read about. The reason I put those topicals (spironolactone/revivogen) ahead of finasteride was simply because finasteride takes a couple of weeks to accumulate in the system. DHT needs to be someplace else then your follicles and the only way to rid it right away is buy adding topicals.

Good luck man!


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can you buy nizoral at your local drug store? I saw a bottle of it today in the drug store but i thought that it was only obtained through a prescription?


Established Member
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it all depends on where u canada for example the 2% nizoral is sold over the counter in the us ud need to get a perscription for the 2% but u can buy the 1% over counter


Established Member
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Thanks for that.

So where can i get spironolactone from ive looked on but cant see it. Did this treatment work for you is that why your saying it works

Does anyone else think this is a good treatment plan???



Kevin trust me!

I´m a medstudent and wouldn´t lie, would I ;)

No but honestly there are 2 issues to be delt with 1) DHT 2) The inflammation caused by DHT. Inflammation is like a bad circle that can often become chronic and it does damage tissue so there is NO time to wait atleast with the nizoral.

DHT will keep attacking your follicles and the inflammation will return so that´s why you need to rid it from your system. finasteride is as safe as medicine will be (even Losec isn´t safe so) so don´t worry about it and you are past your puberty so it shouldn´t matter. Topicals work faster and are a great supplement. You can ALWAYS stop using Revivogen/spironolactone in the future, it´s not like with minoxidil that cause dependence.


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So if i buy Rev what products do i buy the shampoo or the conditioner or what??


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nesta said:
Kevin trust me!

You can ALWAYS stop using Revivogen/spironolactone in the future, it´s not like with minoxidil that cause dependence.

This statement simply isn't true
ANY hairloss product that works causes dependance.
If your getting regrowth from Revivogen and quit. You're going to lose any of the hair that product has saved or regrew. same goes for finasteride minoxidil and spironolactone. They ALL work differently.

In my opinion spironolactone and revivogen is only a good choice when all the more proven products (finasteride/minoxidil) has failed.
I assume your in the early stages of hairloss. Since this is the case just use finasteride. Keep it simple at first no need to throw the kitchen sink at the problem just yet. Give it at least 9-12 months before changing things too. There seems to be a lot of people that add or take away products after only a few months of treatment. This most likely has a negative effect before having any positive effect.
Now to address the itch. Daily use of medicated shampoos may be making things worse. Keep your nizoral shedule but replace the T/Gel with a good salon quality shampoo (one of my personal favorites is Biolage Hydrating Shampoo). If you don't use conditioner, you absolutely need to start. If you currently don't use one,that alone may get rid of your itch and burning. Some of my favorites are Nioxin Scalp Therapy, and Biolage Conditioning Balm. Cassin mentioned that he helped cured his inflamation and itch by adding a good conditioner. I think it was called Moisture Maniac by TIGI Bed Head.

As far as going back to the Dr....There really aren't too many things he can check for. If it's mainly thinning on the top portion of the head from the hairline to the vertex it's most likely due to male pattern baldness....Check family history....If there is anyone in your family on either side or either sex that has experienced hairloss chances are it's hereditary (check spelling on that one ). Even if there isn't anyone in your family it could be male pattern baldness.
It really sucks being young and realizing that your losing your hair. I was 24 when it hit me. I was the only Male in my family that had experienced hairloss. I'm now 34 and only decided to start treatment with "The Big 3" (finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral) just under a year ago. I've made some good progress. Click on my regimen and click the link to see my "before/After" pictures.

Good luck with your journey and I wish you the best.



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Well since you are already on Tget and Nizoral. Your best bet would be to go and see a deratologist, they are doctors that specialise in the field of skin and hair.

A derm can tell if oyu have male pattern baldness, by looking at your hairline. you should have miniturized hairs at the hairline. You can also have a skin biopsy or a blood test, but if you got them miniturised hairs, it's 99.9% sure you got male pattern baldness. Bad luck to that we have accepted the fact we have male pattern baldness we can move on and look at ways of fighting the problem.

As for your itiching scalp, i don't know im not a doctor. Go to the derm and tell them exactly what you have experianced and what you have been trying to do to stop it.

As for haur loss get on finasteride ASAP and give some otherthings a go, im trying green tea and vitamin b6..........there is no proof that these work but i don't care. If ive got a chance to get my hair back, it's worth it for me.

with that said. GOOD LUCK AND DON'T GIVE UP!