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I don't want to go into my back story I've posted it elsewhere...but I've been on Propecia for 29 days. Two weeks in I've been shedding hair and it's been getting worse, much worse. Literally fall hairs out all night and day. Showers make me sick, each time I literally TOUCH my hand through my hair I easily get 10+ hairs or more. I lose easily over 50-100 hairs in the shower, wake up with 20+ on my pillow, lose another 20 in the sink during drying, etc, etc.

Now I've only been on the pill for 29 days and I haven't taken my last pill. I plan on waiting until Fri for my bloodtests to see if I will continue taking it. Now, I've only taken it for less then a month so if I DID stop, do you think the shed will continue for a long time? My temples and hairlines have been hit hard in less then 29 days, and I'd rather go bald slowly like before then quickly like I am now.

I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS, PROPECIA INCREASES HAIRLOSS (atleast for me I have no doubt that it works for others. My father took it for 7 years and he said he never had a serious shed). I NEVER woke up with hairs on my pillow, RARELY had hairs in the shower, and now my room is COVERED in hair, no exaggeration. PLUS I have long hair so believe me, it's easy to notice shedding. My own dermatologist said in all his years no patient has reported EXCESSIVE shedding like I have and especially this quickly.

I'm shocked a shed began not even two weeks into treatment, and it's THIS intense. I'm curious peoples opinions out there. Should I stop cut my losses and hope my hair goes back to a normal shedding cycle, or plow through this and continue on a medicine that seemingly has VERY negative effects on me. No side effects, but in all honesty after being on this for a month I don't think I'm psychologically prepared to handle the ups and downs. Trust me, this is a VERY bad shed, I went from my hair slowly thinning and not PHYSICALLY noticing it during the day, to seeing hair cover my laptop every 30 minutes.

So basically, seeing as how my shed is this horrendous this quickly in and it doesn't seem to be letting up should I just stop and go back to balding slowly? I'd rather go bald slowly over a few years then have these horrendous ups and downs (IF THERE EVEN IS UPS. Id seriously become depressed if I CHOSE to stick with propecia for a year plus and it only do what I fear it's doing currently)

P.S. by Friday I'll have missed 3 days of my Propecia. Any thoughts on that?



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I never took before pictures (big mistake) and I don't have a digital camera here to begin with only a webcam and a phone which doesn't show much. You guys can choose to believe me or not but I know my hair better then anyone else.


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You're experiencing a shed. I went through the same thing so I know how traumatizing it is. Mine wasn't quite that bad - everyone varies, but you have to remember it's a good sign that the treatment's working. It will grow back I swear.