Help! Reputable on-line pharmacy??


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Sorry for the long post but this is my fist post but have been trying to save my hair for a couple of years now...

PLEASE will people tell me a few places online for Fincar or Proscar where I will have NO doubts so I can rest??? I have seen that some have used (which is more $ than most) and I I have been looking every night and am afraid to pull the trigger and I am almost out of what I have... My plan is to get 6-9 months supply from a place and continue with 5% minoxidil and Nizarol... If my condition does not seem to change.... I will stop what will be alomost a 3 year regin by that time and admit defeat.

I originally took Propecia and stopped because it was too $$.. went to finpecia which I got about a years worth from my friend for free.. I then got a box of Proscar while in Mexico and cut it up intop 4-5 pieces.. since then I have gone on-line and bought 100 tablets of Fincar from a pharmacy I randomly picked on-line and don't remeber the name... Up to this point I was fairly happy with my resutls all the time using 5% minoxidil 1-2 times a day. I seemed to stop loosing hair and actually felt that my pathch filled in a bit.. I was happy...

About 65 pills into my finpecia I started to see the patch that I was concerned about seemed to creep up on the top of my head... almost as if the original patch was ok and it moved up... I was not happy and questioned if I was just going balder faster or if the Finpecia (from Cipla which I know is a decent co) was fake...

Regardless, I was worried and finished the pills and bough from another online pharmacy (no prescription requiered as I have no perscription). And, no... didn't research the name/company. I bought 80 tabs of Fincar 5mg and took 1 each day (all 5mg).. I did this in fear of still loosing my hair and play catch up in case the Finpecia was bogus... My head seemed to be a little itchy at times but not bad... I now have 10 5mg tabs left and still see my baldness creeping up on top and seemingly thinnig more at the temples... I just bougt 2% Nizarol shampoo too and have used it 1 week so far.

I don't know if this is a simple case of just "loosing my hair" or that maybe somthing was bogus... I want to think that it was but it probably wasn't and perhaps I am loosing the battle.. I am bummed as I have 2 friends who have the same regieme and it works well for them..

Still not willing to give up, I want to buy Fincar or perhaps even spend the $$ and get Proscar online withought a script from a site that several people have used so I can once and for all rule out the idea in the back of my mind that perhaps somthing was fake and it is just me loosing..

Please advise and thanks.



Established Member
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I recommend (scroll down for Proscar). I received my order in one week, which I think is really impressive considering where they're located. When receiving your order they will send you an email notification and no prescription is required. I'll definitely order from them again. I ordered Proscar so I can't comment on Fincar.


Senior Member
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I'm going to order some Proscar from them after my current Propecia bottle runs out.


Senior Member
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Im pretty sure in house are sound. They stock both Fincar and Proscar, and depsite what you said, I think their prices are pretty good, and their service is top notch. They also dont charge for delivery.