Help required for hair loss problem. Is hair transplant the best solution for me?


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Hi There, I have been suffering hair loss for the last 7 years but at a very slow rate. Initially I used to see some 2-3 hair when I used to wake up, used to loss hair during brushing my hair. Earlier my hair dresser used to say that my hair is getting thinner. However I did not care but a certain portion of my scalp has started to be exposed. With the hair of surrounding region of top I can cover it to some extent but not fully. This is really embarrassing. I consulted with a doctor he recommended Propecia and Minoxidil 5% foam. Due to sexual side effect concern due to Propecia did not use it but for last 6-7 month has been using Minoxidil. It reduces hair fall little bit but I still loss hair during brushing and during shower. Please suggest me what to do. Is hair transplant the best option? I am now around 30. I may loose more hair in future. In that case what can be done? How my hair graft will be required to cover that portion and possible cost. Currently I live in Alberta, Canada. If I consider hair transplant USA or Canada will be best option or doing it in India can save some money in case it is very expensive here. Please suggest.

Bald Portion:

With Hair Covering from Surrounding Region:

take a screenshot

Thanks in advance


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No hair transplant doctor is going to do work on your crown at this stage of your hairloss. Honestly just keep using minoxidil and I recommend getting on finasteride ASAP. People who gets sides will harp about them to no end and the actual FDA research showed a very low percentage of sexual sides. Also i noticed in the picture that you seem like a hairy guy and most hairy guys don't experience the side effects from finasteride. I have a ton of body hair and have no problem with sides.