Help! Shedding after incredible re-growth....


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Okay I've hit around 6 months on minoxidil.

After three months, maybe even two, I noticed significant regrowth. I went to a trichologist 3 months to the day of starting and he seemed almost bitter 8) at the amount grown back. He suggested even reducing my dosage as I was responging so well, but I thought I'm prepared to shell for maximum growth so have done. It wasn't all grown back but was a lot. Things were looking up - it could keep growing.

But since about month 5-6, it seemed thinner. I got it cut and seemed fine (this is literally after about 4 months of not having it cut just because my usual hairdresser went on holiday, then I went when she returned etc etc) but as it's grown back it's quite a bit thinner again. I've noticed a bit of a shed i terms of hair in sink etc, but nothing THAT drastic, it just seems much thinner than before.

Is this normal? I'm thinking MAYBE I got complacent in applying, as sometimes I wouldn't take that much care and I'd just spray it over the thin area (crown, not temples) and carry on the day, as it seemed so thick I kinda took less care, but not THAT much less care. But when I started I spent ten minutes carefully applying, and I'm back to that routine again.

Or is it because it's Winter now and you do shed at winter? Or is it normal to have a shed after 6 months in order for more regrowth?

If anyone could help it would really give me some peace of mind. I started in may and July-October were some of the happyest times of my life! Now it's going down again...or is it?



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Sounds completly normal. Just stick with it and it should eventually get better. Probably just a shed.
Take pictures of the thinning area now and put them in a safe place. Then in about 3 or 4 months take another set of pics and compare.
Good luck



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Okay but if it is just a shed is it normal that it's already my second shed when I've only been on it 2 months?

It just seems odd that it's thinned quite a bit so soon after it had thicked up phenomenally.

My loss area is around the crown area. Hairline is fine.

Ta 4 ur help. You can tell how good it's worked cos I registered and posted a bit in April, then fucked off in the summer cos my hair was fine!


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mr_sparkle said:
Okay but if it is just a shed is it normal that it's already my second shed when I've only been on it 2 months?

I'm confused...I thought you said you've been on it for 6 months and that you noticed it getting thinner(shed) at month 5-6. When did you have another shed?

mr_sparkle said:
It just seems odd that it's thinned quite a bit so soon after it had thicked up phenomenally.
I've experineced this too. It's slowly thickening back up now. Just part of the natural hair cycle.

Do the picture thing I mentioned above and if at that time things aren't noticeably better then it may be time to add to your regimen.

Keep this in the back of your head: if it looks the same after those 4 months your still seeing results. It's just in the form of maintainence.


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My first shed was after a few weeks to a month which was totally expected and so there was no need to panic. It sucked but it showed it was working. By month three it had all grown back and a lot more.

I don't know if I've shed much. I have seen the odd shed if I've brushed my hair, it just feels and looks thinner. I can tell just by the way I style it as it's spikey.

So basically it goes

May - start
June -shed
July/August - gone back and is dead thick
September/October - stays the same. Hoped for further growth but no loss
November - feels thinner - possible shed

Seems wierd to have a second shed so soon doesn't it?


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please if anyone can help I'd appreciate it as I'm not going to be able to use the net for a while so need any info asap.

Just to reiterate - my life on minoxidil

Had a Shed after a month maybe less - totally expected
Major Regrowth by month three
Seems to have thinned quite a bit in Month 6.

Is it a shed? I didn't think sheds occurred so often.



Stick with the minoxidil, stay regular with your applications, don't worry if you miss one or two now and again.

I would recomend you get yourself on finasteride (propecia or a fifth of Proscar) and also use Nizoral shampoo at least once or twice a week even if you have no visable irritation.


good luck


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Just a word of warning here, trichologists are not doctors or hair experts in the medical profession. They are self proclaimed hair experts.


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Oh yeah I know that I'm just reiterating the point that I grew back A LOT of hair in a very short space of time. I'm not following any advice from doctors just trying to show how much hair grew back but now it's thinned again and I'm trying to figure out why.

I'm definately sticking with the minoxidil. I don't wanna try finasteride just yet as I don't want to risk the libido-related side-effects, and considering how successful the first 3 months on minoxidil was I'm hoping it won't be necessary and this thinness is just a phase. But I'll try Nozoral - the main reason I was posting was just to see if this was normal.

Has anyone else experienced a Second shed in the first 6 months on minoxidil? Or is something going wrong? It sucks because my hair was looking SO good back in August!