Help! Should i go with FUT or wait?


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First I would like to thank you for a great hair loss forum, which has educated me and helped me a lot over the years.

I have never posted here before, but as I am seriously considering taking the hair transplant route now I have some questions I hope you guys will be able to help me with.

I am 29 years old, curently living in Belgium, and have been losing my hair for about 5-6 years. I have been taking propecia, minoxdil (foam once a day) and nizoral for the last 3-4 years and it has somewhat helped stabilizing my hair loss. My current hair loss is a NW3 pattern so it is basically "just" the temples and hairline that is of concern to me.

I have come to a point where I am now sick and tired of trying to style my hair and covering up my bald temples. I am constantly aware of my hairline and I hate windy weather (I guess some of you guys trying to cover your hair loss with the remaining hair can relate to this).

I tried just to buzz my head 4 years ago but unfortunately I don't look good with a buzzed head because of a tall and narrow freaking head which has a kind of "bump" on the crown. Consequently, buzzing my head and forgetting about my hair loss is a bit difficult for me.

I am considering having my hair line reestablished with FUT with Rahal or Shapiro. I have been told that I need approx. 2000-2500 grafts to address my concerns. I really feel that I have been doing my research over the years now and that my expectations are realistic.

The reason why I am considering FUT is mainly because I don't look good with a buzzed head so the FUE doesn't really make sense to me as I would not buzz my head in the future. Consequently, choosing a procedure which limits my donor hair and probably has lower yield than FUT does not seem like the best thing to do.

However, I am scared sh*tless of having a strip removed from my head. I am scared of the fact that even with a great Doctor you a never really guaranteed a pencil thin scar and high yield. There are so many uncertainties with hair transplantation (even with the best docs). And there are so many uncertainties with hair loss. I am now 29 with a NW3 pattern. Where will I end up? My father has all his hair (a NW1) but my grandfather (my father's side) was a NW6 (the only person in my family with hair loss – besides me). This is also why I am considering strip as I don't want to come short of donor hair (mine is above average) if/when I progress further down the Norwood scale. Going with FUE and coming short of donor hair I would have to buzz my head and reveal my oddly shaped head (which is of cause better than having no yield with FUT and revealing an oddly shaped head and a stretched smiley scar – this would be worst case scenario).

With all of the above mentioned concerns I am considering waiting 3-4 years for Histogen, Acell, etc. instead of having FUT procedure now (and scar on the back of my head for the rest of my life). I don't expect e.g. Histogen to restore my hairline completely. If Histogens works (and won't be delayed) I'm thinking of restoring the remaining hairline with FUE (maybe plucking with Acell if it works) at that time - after having seen what amount of hair Histogen may grow on my hairline and temples. FUE would then make more sense to me as I would hopefully not have to worry about coming short of donor hair.

Then again I hate my current hair loss situation. And I would hate to wait another 3-4 years (I truly believe or hope that this is the time frame - I know that we have been informed of "cures" within 5-10 years for 20 years now but I believe the companies are finally on to something - if not a cure then as least something to hold onto until a cure somes out) for a product (Histogen, Acell etc.) that may not even work and then have a FUT procedure anyway.

What do you guys think? Should I go with FUT (and hope for good yield and a pencil thin scar) now or should I wait given my above mentioned concerns?

Thanks for hearing me out! :)


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El Nino

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You seem very well informed about hair transplants which is good.

Your donor looks good and you would have no problem hiding a strip scar in my opinion. And starting with strip is the best way to get the most out of your donor and a lot cheaper and better yields.

Both Rahal and Ron Shapiro are at the top of the hair transplant profession. It is personal preference which one is better and you should look at results from both and decide for yourself.

But remember, it is very rare only to get one and then be done. When you have one you must be prepared for more or be left looking silly. There is no going back.

Good luck.


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Thanks for leaving your comment, El Nino.

It's always nice to hear other people's opinion on such an important decision as I believe a hair transplantation is. In case (most likely) I need more procedures down the road I am prepared for that. However, I hope that Histogen etc. will be able to grow/strengthen hair behind my hair line when the times comes.

El Nino

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Yeah it really is a big decision and shouldn't be jumped into lightly.

I am glad I have done it even though I will probably need a third some time in the future.


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If you're in belgium why not go for a free consultation with Feriduni or ******** they both produce excellent results and can at least give you an expert opinion.


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Rutt. That was exactly what I was thinking. If histogen, aderans etc. come out I would hopefully not have to worry about any more strip surgeries and just have FUE into the strip scar.

However, I just don't like the idea of a long strip scar in the back of my head. But then again usually you get a scar when you undergo surgery (no matter wehere it is done).

On the other I would hate to wait for histogen, aderans etc. for 10 years or so not even knowing what to expect if they come out. Basically I would like to see into the future. :)

El Nino

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I haven't been keeping up to date with all these new techniques but the supposed cure has been around the corner for the last 20 years... But like I said I am no expert on them and maybe there is hope.

What is your scalp laxity like GHD? Can you pinch a lot of skin around the bump on the back of your head?

When I decided to go the hair transplant route I knew I had a few things in my favour like laxity, thick hair and good hair colour to scalp contrast.


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Got a question about laxity. Where is your head when measured. All the way back to shoulders, or chin on chest. Huge difference. I could see myself sneezing and jerking my head forward busting out all the stiches. Funny but true. Also, what is the minimum length of hair (guard wise/mm) you need to cover the scar. I ask because I have similar color and thick hair. It is also more curly. Sure hated it when I wanted it to be straight, but now a blessing I suppose a curle can cover more area i suppose.


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I really don't know whether my laxity is good or not. I have never met with a hair transplant Doctor in person. If I try to pinch my scalp when I am holding my head vertically I manage to pinch some skin between my fingers but not a lot. I don't feel I have the best laxity but it doesn't feel too tight either.

I if go with FUT I would definitely do scalp exercises prior to surgery.

Keepinthehair, curly hair is surely a blessing if you are going bald.

El Nino, how long did your first hair transplant "last" before you had to have a second hair transplant?

El Nino

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keepinthehair said:
Got a question about laxity. Where is your head when measured. All the way back to shoulders, or chin on chest. Huge difference. I could see myself sneezing and jerking my head forward busting out all the stiches. Funny but true. Also, what is the minimum length of hair (guard wise/mm) you need to cover the scar. I ask because I have similar color and thick hair. It is also more curly. Sure hated it when I wanted it to be straight, but now a blessing I suppose a curle can cover more area i suppose.

I would do it when your head is upright although Dr. Rahal pinched mine before my second hair transplant when my head was slightly tilted forward. But I wouldn't do it when it is touching your shoulders or chin on chest.

If you had a tight scalp then I guess you would have to be even more careful while you had the stitches in. No jumping around or sudden movements.

After my first hair transplant I could buzz my hair down to a No. 3 guard. And yes you get more coverage with curly hair than straight.

Hope this helps.

El Nino

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GeHairDo said:
I really don't know whether my laxity is good or not. I have never met with a hair transplant Doctor in person. If I try to pinch my scalp when I am holding my head vertically I manage to pinch some skin between my fingers but not a lot. I don't feel I have the best laxity but it doesn't feel too tight either.

I if go with FUT I would definitely do scalp exercises prior to surgery.

Keepinthehair, curly hair is surely a blessing if you are going bald.

El Nino, how long did your first hair transplant "last" before you had to have a second hair transplant?

Make sure you pinch the skin by the bump on the back of your head. I could pinch quite a lot before my first hair transplant and I have gotten 5400 grafts out without a single scalp exercise. But I have good laxity and it is recommended to do them pre op.

I enjoyed my first hair transplant for 2 years but as you can see in my first pre op pics I still had some native hair in the transplanted area. I do believe I've now lost that which made my hair transplant appear thinner.

You might not think it now because I never before but you do get hair greedy as well. Unless you have a full head of hair you will always want more.

Have both Rahal and Shapiro recommended the same amount of grafts?


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I really hope that my laxity is good. My worst nightmare would be a long linear scar that stretched.

Your hair looks great though. It is funny how people (most likely including my self) get hair greedy. As we are somewhat used to having receding hairlines or a blading crown you would think that just it a slight coverage would satisfy us.

I have not had a consutation with both docs yet (I have cunsulted with other docs as well). However, I believe that Rahal would quote me a bit higher than Shapiro.